[01:03.44]We should take some pictures. Some shots, like... 我们应该拍一些照片, 比如....
[01:08.04]some now, some in a month or whatever... 现在拍一些, 然后过一两个月再拍一些...
[01:10.12]Yeah. 好啊
[01:10.60]see if you're making gains. 看看你的是不是有进步
[01:11.40]l've got my mom's Nikon. 我去拿我母亲的尼康
[01:15.20]-Whip your shirt off. -Whip my shirt off? -把你的外衣脱掉 -脱掉外衣?
[01:17.00]Yeah. 是的
[01:34.76]You're shredded2. 你的肌肉不错
[01:43.72]This is great, man. 太棒了
[01:44.32]We can compare this shit. 我们可以用这个作对比
[01:47.92]That's a Nikon FM? 那是尼康FM?
[01:48.40]Well, yeah. You know something about cameras? 嗯,没错。你懂相机?
[01:52.88]Yeah. l took a class at Parker. 对。我在Parker上过学习班
[01:55.56]A couple more. 再来几张
[02:02.00]My dad's gonna get the F3 for me... 假如我能学完课程 而且平均成绩达到B
[02:03.48]if l can finish the program and maintain a B average. 我爸爸就会给我买个F3
[02:05.40]lt's like a $600 camera. l'm psyched about it. 那可是600美元级别的相机 我心仪很久了
[02:08.48]l could loan that to you. 我可以借钱给你
[02:11.84]Yeah? 啊?
[02:13.76]l could loan that shit to you if... 我可以借给你这么多钱...
[02:17.44]you wanted it earlier. 假如你想早点拿到它的话
[02:20.60]Okay. 好啊
[02:29.52]This is gonna go a lot better. 这次应该会好得多
[02:31.44]Why? 为什么?
[02:34.20]Because l got you some bobtail arrows. They're easier. 因为我给你买了一些截尾箭 比较容易射
[02:37.80]Why? 为什么?