


时间:2018-01-04 12:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:21.24]So youre on TV, bro. 你上电视了, 老兄 [04:22.64]if you dont wanna be cool to people. 你应该找份银行什么的差事做 [04:23.04]Go work in a bank or something... 如果你觉得自己不够镇定... [04:25.24]Wh
  • [04:21.24]So you're on TV, bro. 你上电视了, 老兄
    [04:22.64]if you don't wanna be cool to people. 你应该找份银行什么的差事做
    [04:23.04]Go work in a bank or something... 如果你觉得自己不够镇定...
    [04:25.24]Whatever. Just.... Can you get out of my face? 随你吧.... 请你从我面前消失好吗?
    [04:28.64]Can you get out of my face? 请你从我面前消失, 好吗?
    [04:35.36]-Asshole. -You want to say that to my face? -混蛋 -你敢再对我当面说一遍吗?
    [04:36.68]l thought you wanted me to get out of your face. 我记得你要我从你面前消失的
    [04:40.04]People recognize me sometimes. 我常被人认出来
    [04:47.00]Some are dicks. 他们中有些人是白痴
    [04:50.80]This is the same system that created those strong snowfalls in Minnesota. 这和引起明尼苏达州大雪天气的是同一个风力系统
    [04:53.80]lt's meant some slightly warmer weather.... 这说明, 气温可能会有略微的回升....
    [04:54.08]l should cool out a little, l guess. 我想我该歇歇了
    [04:56.88]l mean, l'm not just this two-dimensional guy they recognize. 我是说, 我不是人们认为的那个肤浅的人
    [05:00.12]l do have a relationship to them. 我其实和普通人一样
    [00:03.40]l let them know what they have to deal with. 我向大家播报天气情况
    [00:06.08]But listen, these warmer temperatures are not going to last. 但是请注意, 这个回暖的气温不会持续多久
    [00:08.68]This wind system will keep pushing colder air across the Midwest.... 风力将推动着冷空气横跨中西部地区
    [00:12.72]But they don't, really. 其实他们错了
    [00:12.76]l guess that's why they think they know me. 我想这就是为什么 他们自以为认识我
    [00:15.04]...our Spritz Nipper of the week with a high of just 24. ....最冈银温华氏24度 感谢收看斯普里兹一周天气节目
    [00:18.64]l'm not a hill of beans. 我不是一无是处
    [00:21.40]l have a plan. 我有自己的想法
    [00:25.68]Okay, see you then. 好吧, 到时候见
    [00:27.08]-Where? -Chicago Dance. -哪里? -芝加哥舞蹈学校

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      天气预报员      

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