


时间:2017-04-13 12:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:25.16]You know, they werent trying to hustle 16 anybody. 你知道,他们不排挤任何人 [04:26.72]Theyre trying to live and die in peace with God... 他们努力和主或者其他 他们认为永恒的东西... [04:31.52]...or wha
  • [04:25.16]You know, they weren't trying to hustle16 anybody. 你知道,他们不排挤任何人
    [04:26.72]They're trying to live and die in peace with God... 他们努力和主或者其他 他们认为永恒的东西...
    [04:31.52]...or whatever part of them they feel is eternal. ...一起在和平中同生共死
    [04:33.32]It was just so refreshing17 to be around. 在他们周围真的神清气爽
    [04:35.88]You realize that most of the people that you meet... 你意识到你所遇到的每个人...
    [04:37.56]...are trying to get somewhere better. ...都在试着把某事做的更好
    [04:39.44]They're trying to make more cash, get a little more respect... 他们想多挣些钱 多受点儿尊重...
    [04:44.04]...have more people admire them. It's exhausting. ...让更多的人崇拜他们 真是殚精竭虑

    [04:45.60]-No kidding. -And it's exhausting to be one yourself. -不是玩笑 -作你自己已经身心疲惫
    [04:49.92]There I am, right, you know, all greedy to be more spiritual. 我就是这样,是的,你知道 在精神上极其贪婪
    [04:52.08]"l want to be a better person," you know? You can't escape. "我要作的更好",知道吗 宿命难逃
    [04:55.16]I had this boyfriend of mine many years ago that wanted to be a Buddhist. 我交往了多年的这个 男友一度想皈依佛门
    [00:03.32]So he went to Asia to visit some of those monasteries1. 他去亚洲拜访了很多寺庙
    [00:05.40]-I've thought about doing that too. -Yeah, you should. I'll tell you why. -我也那样想过 -是的,应该的。我告诉你原因
    [00:14.16]...a monk2 offered to suck his cock3. ...都有和尚要求给他吹萧
    [00:16.52]True story. 真是故事
    [00:19.16]It all comes down to that, doesn't it? 归结起来,总是那个原因,是吗
    [00:22.72]That's why I really admire what you're doing. 那个我羡慕你的原因
    [00:23.20]-You know? -What do you mean? Sucking cock? -你知道吗 -是什么意思呢?吹萧吗?
    [00:26.56]-No. -No? Wrong answer. -不是 -不是吗?
    [00:28.04]No, I was gonna say you're not detached4 from life. 不,我的意思是你并没有和生活隔离
    [00:32.04]You're putting your passion into action. 你将激情付诸于行动

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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