


时间:2017-04-13 12:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:01.40]I see the people that do the real work, and whats really sad is that... 依我看那些做实事的人 真正让人伤心的是... [02:04.72]...the people that are the most giving, hardworking... ...那些勇于付出,努力工作
  • [02:01.40]I see the people that do the real work, and what's really sad is that... 依我看那些做实事的人 真正让人伤心的是...
    [02:04.72]...the people that are the most giving, hardworking... ...那些勇于付出,努力工作的...
    [02:06.68]...and capable of making this world better... ...能使这个世界更美好的人...
    [02:10.28]...usually don't have the ego5 and ambition to be a leader. ...通常却没有成为领导的野心
    [02:14.64]They don't see any interest in superficial rewards. 他们对任何肤浅的回报没有兴趣
    [02:17.00]They don't care if their name ever appear in the press. 他们不关心自己的名字 是不是出现在报纸上
    [02:18.08]They actually enjoy the process of helping6 others. 他们真正享受的是帮助别人的过程
    [02:21.08]-They're in the moment. -Yeah, but that's so hard... -他们目前- -是的,但是那样很艰辛...

    [02:26.56]...you know, to be in the moment. I mean, I feel like I'm... ...你知道,就在目前 我的意思是,我感到自己...
    [02:29.84]...designed to be slightly dissatisfied with everything, you know? ...愿意对任何事多少都 有点儿牢骚,你知道吗
    [02:31.52]It's like always trying to better my situation. 那好像是总在试着改变自己的境况
    [02:36.44]I satisfy one desire, and it just agitates7 another. 我满足了一个欲望 却又激起了另一个
    [02:38.88]And then I think, to hell with it, right? Desire's the fuel of life. 然后我想,死去吧,好吗 欲望是生命的燃料
    [02:41.84]You know? Do you think it's true... 你知道吗?你说是不是这样呢...
    [02:44.96]...that if we never wanted anything, we'd never be unhappy? ...如果我们从不想要什么东西 我们就永远不会郁闷呢
    [02:48.52]I don't know. Not wanting anything, isn't that a symptom of depression? 我不知道。什么都不想要 是不是绝望的一种症状呢
    [02:54.32]Yeah, that is, right? I mean, it's healthy to desire, right? 是呀,是的,不是吗 我是说有欲望是健康的,是吗
    [02:57.68]Yeah. I don't know. It's what all those Buddhist8 guys say, right? 是的,我不知道 佛教徒都这么说,是吗
    [03:01.04]Liberate yourself from desire, and you'll find... 远离欲海你将发现...
    [03:05.16]-...you already have everything you need. -But I feel alive... -...自己已经富足 -但是当我想要那些基本需求以外的东西的时候...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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