


时间:2017-04-07 12:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:11.80]Look, in the words of my grandfather, okay: 唔,好吧,用我爷爷的话 [04:13.84]To answer that would take the piss out of the whole thing. 说白了就没有意思了 [04:17.88]We just have the time for one last question. 时
  • [04:11.80]Look, in the words of my grandfather, okay: 唔,好吧,用我爷爷的话
    [04:13.84]"To answer that would take the piss out of the whole thing." "说白了就没有意思了"
    [04:17.88]We just have the time for one last question. 时间不多了,最后一个问题
    [04:20.68]What is your next book? 你下本书准备写什么
    [04:25.92]I don't know, man. I don't know. 我不知道,伙计,真的不知道
    [04:27.84]I've been.... I've been thinking about this.... 我一直... 我一直在想这个问题...

      [04:33.40]Well, I always kind of wanted to write a book... 嗯,我总是想写本书...
    [04:35.88]...that all took place within the space of a pop song. ...一切都发生在 一首流行歌曲那么长的时间内
    [04:39.36]Like three or four minutes long, the whole thing. 三到四分钟
    [04:43.84]The story, the idea, is that there's this guy, right... 这个故事或者思路 是有个男人...
    [04:46.64]...and he's totally depressed4. ...彻底绝望了
    [04:49.28]His great dream was to be a lover5, an adventurer, you know... 他一直梦想着去冒险 骑着摩托车横贯南美洲...
    [04:54.60]...riding motorcycles through South America. ...去惊天动地的爱一场
    [04:57.48]And instead he's sitting at a marble table eating lobster6. 实际上他却一直坐在 大理石桌旁吃龙虾
    [05:00.12]He's got a good job and a beautiful wife, right, but that-- 他有份好工作,讨了个好媳妇 是的,但是--
    [00:01.20]Everything that he needs. But that doesn't matter... 他应有尽有 但那无足轻重...
    [00:06.48]...because what he wants is to fight for meaning. ...因为他想要的是为价值而战
    [00:10.40]You know? Happiness is in the doing, right? 知道吗?幸福源于奋斗,不是吗
    [00:11.16]Not in the getting what you want. 关键不在你得到了什么
    [00:15.16]So he's sitting there, and just that second... 所以他一直坐在那儿 就在那时...
    [00:18.00]...his little 5-year-old daughter hops1 up on the table. ...他5岁的小女儿爬上桌子
    [00:23.60]And he knows that she should get down, because she could get hurt. 她不应该爬上来的 因为她会摔到的
    [00:25.60]But she's dancing to this pop song in a summer dress. 但是她正穿着裙子 伴着流行歌曲翩翩起舞
    [00:31.96]And he looks down... 他低下头看...
    [00:34.76]...and all of a sudden2, he's 1 6. ...突然,他变成了十六岁
    [00:36.12]And his high-school sweetheart is dropping him off at home. 他的中学恋人开车送他回家
    [00:43.68]And they just lost their virginity, and she loves him... 他们刚刚第一次做爱 而且她爱他...
    [00:46.64]...and the same song is playing on the car radio. ...接着同一首歌从车载广播中响起

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      日落之前      

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