


时间:2015-10-05 22:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.50]Its a morning show. 这是早间节目 [00:02.34]Well, we have kids watching. 我们的观众有孩子 [00:04.22]Families watch us. 全家人都在看 [00:05.22]They trust us. 他们信任我们 [00:06.42]We let them down. 我们却
  •   [00:01.50]It’s a morning show. 这是早间节目
      [00:02.34]Well, we have kids watching. 我们的观众有孩子
      [00:04.22]Families watch us. 全家人都在看
      [00:05.22]They trust us. 他们信任我们
      [00:06.42]We let them down. 我们却让他们失望了
      [00:07.82]We sure did. 确实如此
      [00:08.86]- Stop it.  - Sorry. - 干嘛  - 不好意思
      [00:11.06]She also made some pretty terrible accusations 她还说了很难听的话
      [00:13.06]against you, Dale. 来指责你 Dale
      [00:14.46]It’s true, but I can take care of myself. 的确 但我会照顾好自己 不受影响
      [00:15.26]Yeah, she did. 她是这么做的
      [00:18.14]they can’t take care of themselves yet, 他们还不能照顾自己
      [00:19.62]and that’s where we failed them. 这就是我们对不住他们的地方
      [00:21.82]I’m not going to sit here and defend myself, 我不会坐在这里 为了维护我自己
      [00:22.62]My God. 天哪
      [00:25.90]my manhood, against someone who... 我的男子气概 而去攻击一个...
      [00:28.78]And here he goes. 他有理了
      [00:30.30]To say the least, is frankly unstable. 退一步说 一个情绪失常的人
      [00:31.78]I would say that. I would say that. 我明白 我明白
      [00:32.82]Well, you know what? 知道吗?
      [00:35.02]I think that I speak for all of Seattle Morning 当我对你说 Dale 好样的
      [00:36.22]when I say, good for you, Dale. 我也是对"早安 西雅图"全体工作人员说

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