


时间:2015-10-05 22:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[08:43.22]You need to make a list. 你要列个单子 [08:45.86]You need to make a list of priorities 列出你必须做的事情 [08:46.10]on how to get your life together. 把你的生活重新拼凑到一起 [08:51.82]You can do this. 你可
  •   [08:43.22]You need to make a list. 你要列个单子
      [08:45.86]You need to make a list of priorities 列出你必须做的事情
      [08:46.10]on how to get your life together. 把你的生活重新拼凑到一起
      [08:51.82]You can do this. 你可以的
      [08:53.26]You are strong. 你很强
      [08:56.42]You need something to write on. 你要把重要的事写下来
      [08:59.78]Okay, I need some post-it notes. 好的 我需要便利贴
      [09:04.58]What? 怎么?
      [09:07.14]What? What are you looking at? 怎么了? 你们在看什么?
      [09:08.34]Do I have something on my face? 我脸上有东西吗?
      [09:10.42]Sis, are you familiar with a device called a DVR? 姐姐 你知道有种硬盘录像机的设备吗?
      [09:14.10]TiVo. 电视信号录像机
      [09:14.30]This isn’t a good idea. 这可不是个好主意
      [09:15.30]What do you mean, like, TiVo? 什么东西 像是电视信号录像机?
      [09:15.62]I would back off. She’s fragile. 我不该说的 她太脆弱了
      [09:17.58]and then watch it at our convenience. 有时间的时候再看
      [09:17.98]We can digitally record a program 我们可以在节目播放的时候录下来
      [09:21.10]Now, I’ve done exactly that with today’s Seattle Morning. 我录了今天的"早安 西雅图"

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      气象女孩      

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