


时间:2015-10-29 20:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[06:57.74]Im referring to you, Dale. 说的就是你 Dale [07:00.02]I figured. 我猜到了 [07:01.02]Okay, I just want to be clear. 好吧 我只是想说清楚一点 [07:02.38]So let me just set you and the station 那就让我向你 和电
  •   [06:57.74]I’m referring to you, Dale. 说的就是你 Dale
      [07:00.02]I figured. 我猜到了
      [07:01.02]Okay, I just want to be clear. 好吧 我只是想说清楚一点
      [07:02.38]So let me just set you and the station 那就让我向你 和电视台 以及观众朋友们
      [07:05.18]and our viewing audience straight on a few things. 澄清几个事实
      [07:07.18]First of all, my title, "sassy weather girl," 首先 我的头衔 "麻辣气象女孩"
      [07:09.58]I am not a girl. 我不是女孩
      [07:11.46]is inaccurate7. 是不对的
      [07:11.54]I am a woman. 我是个女人
      [07:12.82]And I really hate the word "sassy." 而且我很讨厌"麻辣"这个词
      [07:16.82]Go in tight on Dale. 镜头跟紧Dale
      [07:17.22]It’s stupid. 实在是太二了
      [07:19.70]I mean, yes, I have an attitude, but 我是说 没错 我是有点脾气 可是
      [07:21.30]wouldn’t you, if you had to listen to Dale Waters all day? 换作是你 要你整天听Dale Waters讲话你会怎样?
      [07:24.50]We have a real responsibility to deliver the news here... 我们要负责任地在这里播报新闻...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      气象女孩      

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