


时间:2015-10-26 12:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:27.10]They are offering me a raise, and I get to coanchor. 他们给了我一个升职的机会 担任主持人 [00:29.50]You know what that means, Walt? 你知道那将意味着什么吗 Walt? [00:31.34]It means I get to deliver the ne
  •   [00:27.10]They are offering me a raise, and I get to coanchor. 他们给了我一个升职的机会 担任主持人
      [00:29.50]You know what that means, Walt? 你知道那将意味着什么吗 Walt?
      [00:31.34]It means I get to deliver the news. 意味着我可以播新闻了
      [00:32.54]Real news, not just the weather. 真正的新闻 不是只有天气预报
      [00:34.82]I mean, you know, I still have to do the weather, 我是说 我还是得播天气
      [00:35.50]All of that for the rock-bottom price of your soul. 你灵魂就这么低贱
      [00:36.14]but I get to do other stuff too now. 但现在我还能播其他的了
      [00:40.98]Would you stop being so dramatic? 你能不要这么激动么?
      [00:41.10]Will you stop being such a sellout? 你能不要这么出卖自己么?
      [00:43.86]Walt. Walt
      [00:44.86]Sylvia, they fired you with prejudice. Sylvia 他们对你有偏见才解雇了你
      [00:45.66]I quit. 是我自己离职的
      [00:47.26]They did not fire me. 他们没有解雇我
      [00:48.94]Look, this is a real job, 听着 这才是份像样的工作
      [00:49.14]one where I never have to touch 一份永远不会再让我碰到
      [00:50.82]dirty dishes or leftover2 food again. 脏盘子和残羹剩饭的工作
      [00:52.14]And if I take it, there’s a signing bonus, 只要我接受 就有一份签约奖金
      [00:54.02]which means I get to find my own place immediately 那表示我可以马上找到自己的公寓

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      气象女孩      

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