


时间:2017-01-22 12:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:32.06]You and your mother over here cant get it right. 你跟你的妈妈不会做好的 [02:35.66]And I know this because I am a professional. 我知道这些因为我是事业的 [02:40.42]I directed Show Boat with Greg Brady. 我曾经
  •   [02:32.06]You and your mother over here can't get it right.  你跟你的“妈妈”不会做好的
      [02:35.66]And I know this because I am a professional.  我知道这些因为我是事业的
      [02:40.42]I directed Show Boat with Greg Brady.  我曾经和Greg Brady导演过《船》
      [02:41.42]It wasn't union, but it was good.  他们并不怎么团结 但是演出很成功
      [02:50.14]Obviously, I quit!  很明显 我要退出!
      [02:52.42]Exeunt stage right!  交出指导权!
      [03:00.10]Seriously, Seth, if you drop me again, I'm going to kill you.  说真的Seth,你要是在把我摔在地上 我一定杀了你
      [03:04.14]- Hi. - Are you okay?  嗨 你还好吗?
      [03:07.34]I'm fine.  我很好
      [03:10.74]Come on.  别这样
      [03:11.30]I'm not gonna quit!  我不会放弃的!
      [03:13.94]- I don't expect you to understand... - Hey...  我并不指望你能明白... 嘿...
      [03:18.26]I may not understand a whole hell of a lot about this kinda stuff,  我可能对这些东西知道的不是很多
      [03:22.38]but I definitely understand not quitting.  但是我绝对理解什么是不放弃
      [03:23.82]And from what I see, you're pretty good.  而且在我看来 你还可以
      [03:27.46]A Little discipline, you could make a go of this.  有一点点纪律的话 你可以让这台戏上演的
      [03:31.42]- But what about Murney? - He's an all-talk spaz.  可Murney那边怎么办? 他是个烦人的家伙
      [03:33.18]So, The Sound of Music?  音乐之音是不是?
      [03:37.30]- I saw it when I was a kid. - Really?  我小时候看过 真的?
      [03:40.34]The idea of a nun5 ditching her habit for a guy in the military.  一个修女为了一个军人放弃自己的爱好
      [03:44.42]Nothing wrong with that.  没什么不好的
      [03:48.82]They probably already do, Seth.  她们可能已经这么想了 Seth
      [03:49.30]Do you think girls will think I'm weird6?  你说女孩子们会不会觉得我是个怪胎?
      [03:51.70]But you'll kill 'em Later.  但是你会改变她们的想法的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超级奶爸      

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