


时间:2017-01-16 12:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:36.82]Boys will be boys. But this is sick. 男孩子吗 但这是真正的恶心 [02:40.86]All right. He dyed his hair. Hes not a Nazi5. 好吧 他把头发染了 这并不能说明他就是个纳粹 [02:43.66]This is not normal. Were v
  •   [02:36.82]Boys will be boys. But this is sick.  男孩子吗 但这是真正的恶心
      [02:40.86]All right. He dyed his hair. He's not a Nazi5.  好吧 他把头发染了 这并不能说明他就是个纳粹
      [02:43.66]This is not normal. We're very concerned.  这并不正常 我们非常担心
      [02:47.42](bell rings)
      [02:47.82]Why don't you get back to class?  你们都回去上课吧
      [02:50.10]Mr. Murney, would you give me a minute?  Mr. Murney, 能给我一分钟么?
      [02:57.18]Look, I'm sure this is about their father.  看,我很清楚这跟他们的父亲有关
      [03:00.26]We've tried to get Seth and Zoe to talk to the psychologist, but they won't.  我们试过让Seth和去见心理医生,但他们不肯
      [03:06.02]Maybe you can get through to them? See what's going on?  也许你帮到他们? 看看到底发生了什么?
      [03:07.94]I'll talk to them and see what I can do.  我会和他们谈的,看我能做些什么
      [03:10.70]Thanks.  谢谢
      [03:14.98](Wolfe) Seth, I don't understand unless you explain it to me.  Seth 除非你解释给我听,否则我是不会理解的
      [03:20.18]Why would you join wrestling if you hate it?  如果你不喜欢的话 你干吗还要参加摔跤队?
      [03:21.06]Because my father wanted me to!  因为我爸爸希望我这么做!
      [03:23.34]Look, I know you're just trying to help, but don't!  我知道你想帮我,可我不需要
      [03:28.22]I can take care of myself.  我可以照顾我自己
      [00:01.66]Refrigerator magnet.  冰箱上的磁铁
      [00:06.22]Smart kid.  机灵的小鬼
      [00:08.62]You're in charge. Anyone gets within 40 clicks of the perimeter1, signal me.  这里由你接管了 有人接近这附近40米的话 给我发信号
      [00:08.70]Red One!  红一!
      [00:15.86]Keep all doors sealed, do your homework, preheat the oven  把所有的门都关上 去做你的功课 预先把烤箱加热
      [00:17.86]and don't let Lulu in the cookie jar.  还有不要让LuIu接近饼干罐
      [00:52.74]- (boy #1) Everything's ready? - (boy #2) Yeah.  都准备好了? 是的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超级奶爸      

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