


时间:2017-01-27 10:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:33.40]Im on the paper, and youre news, baby, front page. 我是报社的,你很有新闻价值,可以上头版 [01:35.36]No, Im not. 不,我不要 [01:36.44]You... Please dont have any sort of... 你请不要有任何 [01:40.04]Ch
  • [01:33.40]I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page. 我是报社的,你很有新闻价值,可以上头版
    [01:35.36]No, I'm not. 不,我不要
    [01:36.44]You... Please don't have any sort of... 你…请不要有任何…
    [01:40.04]Chillax. No feature. 放松点,那就不上报纸了
    [01:42.00]- Okay, thanks. - Cool? - 好,谢谢 - 那没事啦?
    [01:45.12]All right. Okay. Yeah. 好,好
    [01:51.56]Get it! Get it! Get it! 接住,接住
    [01:54.44]To you! 给你
    [01:55.36]Whoa! 噢!
    [01:58.12]I'm sorry. 对不起
    [01:59.64]I told them not to let me play. 我叫他们别让我上场的了
    [02:01.32]No way. No, no, no. That's... That's... Don't... 不,不…那…没什么
    [02:02.08]You're Isabella, right? 你是伊莎贝拉,是吗?
    [02:06.08]Just Bella. 叫我贝拉就可以了
    [02:06.20]Yeah. Hey, I'm Mike Newton. 好,我叫麦克纽顿
    [02:10.08]- Nice to meet you. - Yeah, yeah. - 很高兴认识你 - 对
    [02:12.88]- She's got a great spike1, huh? - Yeah, it's... - 她挺大力的,是吗? - 是啊,只是…
    [02:13.24]I'm Jessica, by the way. 我叫杰西卡
    [02:17.44]Hey, you're from Arizona, right? 你从亚利桑那州来的,是吗?
    [02:19.08]Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like, really tan? 亚利桑那州的人皮肤不是棕褐色的吗?
    [02:19.44]Yeah. 是
    [02:22.28]Yeah. 是
    [02:23.80]Maybe that's why they kicked me out. 所以他们踢我出校
    [02:30.24]You're good. 你真幽默
    [02:32.04]That's so funny. 很搞笑
    [02:39.08]- Back in, Jess. - Down here. 杰西,回来
    [02:42.28]we'll have, like, this crazy pyramid fall from the sky, 金字塔重天而降
    [02:42.96]Like a masterpiece, you know, 是一件惊世巨作
    [02:45.64]- and then you guys can... - It's my pleasure, Madame. - 你们可以… - 我很荣幸,女士

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