


时间:2017-01-27 10:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:40.64]Love you, too. 我也爱你 [03:40.76]Okay. I love you. 好,我爱你 [03:50.88]I planned to confront him and demand to know what his problem was. 我打算与他对质,问他到底有什么问题 [04:04.88]But he never showed
  • [03:40.64]Love you, too. 我也爱你
    [03:40.76]Okay. I love you. 好,我爱你
    [03:50.88]I planned to confront him and demand to know what his problem was. 我打算与他对质,问他到底有什么问题
    [04:04.88]But he never showed. 但他没出现
    [04:13.44]Bella! 贝拉!
    [04:28.36]And the next day, another no-show. 第二天,也没出现
    [04:35.00]More days passed. 日子一天天过去
    [04:37.80]Things were getting a little strange. 事情变得有点怪异
     [00:31.88]- You all right? - Yeah, I'm good. - 你没事吧? - 没事
    [00:32.56]Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated. 结了冰地面更滑了
    [00:35.16]Yeah. That's why I had some new tires put on the truck. 对,所以我帮你的车换了新轮胎
    [00:38.12]Old ones were getting pretty bald. 旧得都快磨平了
    [00:43.48]Well, probably be late for dinner. I gotta head down to Mason County. 今晚可能要晚点回家吃饭,我要去梅森郡
    [00:46.76]Security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal. 格里森姆工厂的保安被野兽咬死了
    [00:51.76]An animal? 野兽?
    [00:53.72]You're not in Phoenix1 anymore, Bells. 贝拉,这里不是凤凰城
    [00:55.40]Anyway, I figured I'd lend a hand. 我应该去帮帮忙
    [00:58.08]- Be careful. - Always am. - 小心 - 我一直都很小心
    [01:01.16]- And thanks for the tires. - Yeah. - 谢谢你帮我换轮胎 - 嗯
    [01:20.88]Prom Committee is a chick thing, 舞协都是些琐碎事
    [01:23.88]but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway, 但我总得在校报上给他们写个报道
    [01:25.76]and they need a guy to help choose the music, 他们需要人帮忙挑选音乐
    [01:27.12]so I need your play list. 所以我要你的音乐名单
    [01:28.52]Hey, listen, I was wondering, did you have a date to... 听着,我在想你有没有约…
    [01:31.92]What's up, Arizona? Huh? 怎么样,亚利桑那?
    [01:33.16]How you liking2 the rain, girl? 喜欢下雨天吗,小妞?
    [01:35.16]Better get used to it, girl. 最好适应它
    [01:36.84]Yeah, Mike, hey, you're real cute, man. 嘿,麦克,你真可爱
    [01:38.16]- Oh, I know... - That was really awesome3. - 哦,我知道… - 你真棒
    [01:42.12]Why you shooting down my game? Let a playa play. 你为啥扫我兴了?也让我玩玩嘛

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