


时间:2017-02-04 12:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:35.18]- Where will it take him, Alice? - Mirrors. - 他要去哪里,爱丽丝? - 很多镜子 [04:36.10]A room full of mirrors. 一个房间的镜子 [04:43.22]Edward said the visions werent always certain. 爱德华说视像不总是对
  • [04:35.18]- Where will it take him, Alice? - Mirrors. - 他要去哪里,爱丽丝? - 很多镜子
    [04:36.10]A room full of mirrors. 一个房间的镜子
    [04:43.22]Edward said the visions weren't always certain. 爱德华说视像不总是对的
    [04:46.90]She sees the course people are on while they're on it. 她能看到人们正在走的那条道
    [04:50.02]Okay, so the course that the tracker's on now 好,那么追踪者正要去的地方
    [04:50.34]If they change their minds, the vision changes. 如果他们改变了想法,视像就变了
    [04:53.26]is gonna lead him to a ballet studio? 是一个芭蕾舞蹈房
    [04:57.86]- You've been here? - I took lessons as a kid. - 你去过这里? - 我小时候在那里上课
    [00:01.06]The school I went to had an arch1 just like that. 那个学校有个那样的拱顶
    [00:02.82]Was your school here in Phoenix2? 你的学校在凤凰城?
    [00:05.02]Yeah. 是的
    [00:08.02]- Edward, are you okay? - We've lost the tracker. - 爱德华,你还好吗? - 我们跟丢了追踪者
    [00:09.90]The woman's still in the area. 那个女的还在这附近
    [00:10.46]Rosalie and Esme are going back to Forks to protect your father. 罗莎莉和埃斯米回福克斯保护你爸爸
    [00:12.14]I'm coming to get you. Then you and I are gonna go somewhere alone. 我来接你,然后我们单独去别的地方
    [00:18.26]And the others will keep hunting. 别的人去继续找
    [00:22.22]I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe again. 我无论如何要保护你的安全
    [00:37.26]Hey, Mom, I'm glad you got my message. 嘿,妈妈,我很高兴你收到了我的信息
    [00:37.62]What are you doing home? 你在家做什么?
    [00:39.70]Bella? Bella? Bella, where are you? 贝拉,贝拉你在什么地方?
    [00:42.10]- Calm down, everything's fine. - Bella? Bella? - 别激动,我很好 - 贝拉?贝拉?

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