


时间:2017-01-27 10:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:03.80]Oh, my gosh! 天啊 [00:08.72]This is perfect. Are you joking me? 太棒了,不是在开玩笑吧? [00:11.20]Sorry. 对不起 [00:11.96]I told you shed love it. 我说过她会喜欢的 [00:13.84]Im down with the kids. 我最了
  •  [00:03.80]Oh, my gosh! 天啊
    [00:08.72]This is perfect. Are you joking me? 太棒了,不是在开玩笑吧?
    [00:11.20]Sorry. 对不起
    [00:11.96]I told you she'd love it. 我说过她会喜欢的
    [00:13.84]I'm down with the kids. 我最了解小孩的了
    [00:15.72]Oh, yeah, dude. You're the bomb. 对,对,你最棒
    [00:19.96]Okay. 好
    [00:21.84]Listen, you gotta double-pump the clutch when you shift, 换档时要多扭一下
    [00:24.60]- That's this one? - Yeah. Yeah, right there. - 这里吗? - 对,就这里
    [00:24.68]but besides that, you should be good. 其他应该没什么问题
    [00:27.80]All right. 好的
    [00:31.16]Do you want a ride to school or something? 要去学校看看吗?
    [00:33.44]I go to school on the reservation. 我在保留区的学校上学
    [00:33.76]- Right, right. - Yeah. - 好 - 嗯
    [00:36.60]That's too bad. It would've been nice to know one person. 那太遭了,一个认识的人都没有
    [00:45.16]My first day at a new school. 我第一天去新学校上学
    [00:47.44]It's March, middle of the semester. 那是三月,学期中
    [00:52.72]Great. 还好
    [01:00.88]- Nice ride. - Thanks. - 靓车啊 - 谢谢
    [01:05.44]Good one.
    [01:13.00]Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. 你好,我叫埃里克,这里的地头虫
    [01:13.72]You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. 伊莎贝拉斯旺,新同学
    [01:18.60]Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on? 你有什么需要吗?导游,午餐约会,男朋友?
    [01:26.40]I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type. 其实我是个沉默寡言的人
    [01:32.00]Good headline for your feature. 那你可以做报纸专题啊
    [01:33.40]I'm on the paper, and you're ne

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