


时间:2017-08-23 12:24来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:45.48]Wait. What am I supposed to do with these? 我要拿来干嘛? [03:48.68]Well, use them! Its all we got! 拿来用呀,只有这玩意 [03:50.48]This is like RadioShack dinosaur 4 radios or something, man. 这是恐龙级的老旧
  • [03:45.48]Wait. What am I supposed to do with these? 我要拿来干嘛?
    [03:48.68]Well, use them! It's all we got! 拿来用呀,只有这玩意
    [03:50.48]This is like RadioShack dinosaur4 radios or something, man. 这是恐龙级的老旧无线电
    [03:53.88]I'm only gonna get 20 or 30 miles out of these things. 通讯范围只有2、30哩
    [03:57.04]Are there any aircraft orbiting the city? 城市上空有飞机盘旋吗?
    [04:01.24]F-22 at 12:00. F22战机在12点钟方向
    [04:02.08]All right, I want planes for air cover and get Black Hawks5 on station 战机提供空中支援
    [04:04.28]to extract that Cube. You got it? 黑鹰直升机把方块带走
    [04:09.76]Air Force has arrived! Pop smoke! 空军来了,发射烟雾弹
    [04:11.56]Raptor, Raptor, do you copy? 猛禽战机,收到吗?
    [04:14.16]We have you visual. 我们看到你们了
    [04:19.28]Provide air cover and vector Black Hawks for extraction. 提供空中支援 把方块座标给黑鹰直升机
    [04:19.52]Green smoke is the mark. 绿烟是目标
    [04:27.68]It's Starscream! 那是天王星!
    [04:31.44]Please tell me you copy. 拜托说你们收到了
    [04:33.44]Back up! Take cover! Bumblebee! 撤退,找掩护!大黄蜂!
    [04:39.16]- Back up! Back up! - Retreat! Fall back! 退后!退后! 快撤退!
    [04:39.88]No, no, no, no, no! Move! 不好了,快跑!
    [04:43.24]Incoming! 飞弹来袭!

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