


时间:2017-08-18 12:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:21.76]What is that? 那是什么? [04:23.24]Theres something in the tree, dude. 树上有东西 [04:27.04]No, theres something in the thing by the tree! 在树旁边! [04:29.96]Could you guys just give me a space rock? 可以给我一块
  • [04:21.76]What is that? 那是什么?
    [04:23.24]There's something in the tree, dude. 树上有东西
    [04:27.04]No, there's something in the thing by the tree! 在树旁边!
    [04:29.96]Could you guys just give me a space rock? 可以给我一块陨石吗?
    [00:05.92]Excuse me, are you the tooth fairy? 对不起,你是牙仙吗?
    [00:09.00]Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing out here by yourself? 小乖,你一个人在这里干嘛?
    [00:13.76]Holy God! What happened to the pool? 老天爷,泳池是怎么了?
    [01:48.88]Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendent1 of Archibald Witwicky? 你是山姆魏瓦奇 艾契博魏瓦奇的后代吗?
    [01:52.36]They know your name. 他们知道你的名字
    [01:54.16]Yeah. 是啊
    [01:55.24]They know your name. 他们知道你的名字
    [01:55.44]My name is Optimus Prime. 我的名字是擎天柱
    [01:59.56]We are autonomous2 robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. 我们是来自塞博坦星球 自主的机器生物体
    [02:04.24]- But you can call us Autobots for short. - Autobots. 你可以叫我们博派变形金刚 博派变形金刚
    [02:06.52]- What's cracking, little bitches? - My first lieutenant3. Designation, Jazz. 小鬼头,你好吗? 我的副手,代号:爵士
    [02:13.04]This looks like a cool place to kick it. 这是个很酷的地方,了吗?
    [02:17.44]What is that? How did he learn to talk like that? 你怎么学会这么说话?
    [02:19.32]We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web. 我们透过网际网路学会地球语

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      变形金刚      

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