


时间:2017-08-18 11:57来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:16.52]- Whats Sector 10 Seven? - Who is Captain Witwicky? 第七区是什么? 魏瓦奇队长是谁? [02:21.28]Are you playing those video games again? 你又在打电玩游戏吗? [02:25.44]Cops! Cops! 条子!条子! [02:27.84
  • [02:16.52]- What's Sector10 Seven? - Who is Captain Witwicky? 第七区是什么? 魏瓦奇队长是谁?
    [02:21.28]Are you playing those video games again? 你又在打电玩游戏吗?
    [02:25.44]Cops! Cops! 条子!条子!
    [02:27.84]FBI! Clear right! 联邦探员!
    [02:30.72]Lock it down! Lock it down! 把他们抓起来
    [02:34.20]Cops! 条子!
    [02:36.12]Lock it down. 把他抓住
    [02:38.80]Wait! I'm just a cousin! I'm just a... 我只是他表弟...
    [02:41.64]Get off my Grandmama's carpet! She don't like nobody on the carpet! 这是我奶奶的地毯,谁也不能乱踩
    [02:47.24]It was an awesome11 spectacle here an hour ago 一小时前这里发生惊人的景象
    [02:47.32]Especially police! 尤其是条子
    [02:52.72]when over 40 C-17 s lifted off of this very base. 超过40架战机从这里起飞
    [02:55.76]We're not told where they're going. 我们不知道它们去哪里
    [02:58.28]Morning, Mo. 小魔,早
    [02:59.68]The government has been very quiet about what's going on but in our... 政府什么都不肯透露
    [03:00.32]- Mojo. Mojo. - They were headed directly 魔汁,魔汁
    [03:04.24]towards North Korea. 我们认为目的地是北韩
    [03:04.80]Stop with the barking, Mojo. It's too early. Please? 拜托,一大早不要乱叫
    [03:12.68]Miles? Miles, listen to me. Listen. 麦斯,听好
    [03:14.16]- My car, it stole itself, okay? - What are you talking about, man? 我的车昨晚自己开走 你在说什么?
    [03:17.68]Satan's Camaro. In my yard. It's stalking me. 撒旦派来的车子在我家院子 它在跟踪我
    [03:27.80]Stop! 停下来!
    [03:29.36]No, no, no, no, no, no. 不,不,不

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