


时间:2018-05-21 12:36来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:58.74]And A.M.C. C - Alternative Military Command Centre. A.M.C.C备用军事指挥中心 [05:04.34]And N.E.A.C. C - National Emergency Airborne Command Centre. N.E.A.C.C国家紧急空降指挥中心 [05:08.22]And it all comes under W.
  • [04:58.74]And A.M.C. C - Alternative Military Command Centre. A.M.C.C—备用军事指挥中心
    [05:04.34]And N.E.A.C. C - National Emergency Airborne Command Centre. N.E.A.C.C—国家紧急空降指挥中心
    [05:08.22]And it all comes under W. W.M.C.C. S - Worldwide Military Command & Control System. 这些都归W.W.M.C.C.S—全球军事指挥控制中心统一管理。
    [00:01.80]We should be all right with that lot looking after us, eh, ducks? 在他们的关照下,我们会没事的,是吗,宝贝儿?
    [00:07.08]Well, it didn't stop them from bombing us, did it? 嗯,这也不能阻止他们轰炸我们啊,不是吗?
    [00:08.32]Oh er... well, no er... I suppose not, really. 哦,呃...好吧,不能,呃...我希望可以,真的。
    [00:13.88]Still, just think, it might have been worse. 可是,想想吧,事情可能会更糟呢。
    [00:17.68]Got to look on the bright side, ducks. 记得要看事物的光明面,宝贝儿。
    [00:18.00]Besides, another thing the powers that be have created is called M.A.D. 而且,权力可能衍生的另一个产物是M.A.D。
    [00:25.00]M.A.D. Mutal Assured Destruction. M.A.D是指共同信仰的毁灭。
    [00:25.20]- Mad? - Yes, M.A.D. -疯狂? -嗯,M.A.D。
    [00:28.96]I read about it in the public library. 我在图书馆看到过相关内容。
    [00:31.44]I think my old dad was in the Mutual1 Assured Insurance. 我想我的老爸曾处于共同信仰被毁灭的情绪里。
    [00:35.72]- A penny a week it was, in those days. - This isn't insurance, ducks. -那时候,每周仅有一便士的生活确实能够把人毁掉。 -这不是保险金,宝贝儿。
    [00:39.72]I think it covered the cost of the funeral. 我以为它还包含了丧葬费用。
    [00:41.60]Yes, well, I suppose this is similar. 是的,好吧,我假设它们比较相似。
    [00:45.36]It all comes out of our taxes. 羊毛出在羊身上。
    [00:47.52]He had a lovely funeral, our dad. 我们的老爸,他的葬礼非常风光。
    [00:50.88]You don't pay any taxes now. You're retired2, James. 你现在不必交税了,你已经退休了,James。
    [00:53.72]No, I'm fully3 paid up. 不,我仍然在持续交税。
    [00:55.88]My funeral is fully assured. 我的葬礼是被全额保险了的。
    [00:57.64]Time we went to bed. 是睡觉的时间了。
    [01:00.12]It's getting dark. 天黑了。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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