


时间:2018-05-11 12:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:30.54]Well, mind you do. 好吧,希望你会。 [02:43.22]Just you be careful, James! 你小心点儿,James! [02:59.34]Mind that paint, James! 当心别擦掉油漆,James! [03:10.02]I hope you know what youre doing. 我希望你明
  • [02:30.54]Well, mind you do. 好吧,希望你会。
    [02:43.22]Just you be careful, James! 你小心点儿,James!
    [02:59.34]Mind that paint, James! 当心别擦掉油漆,James!
    [03:10.02]I hope you know what you're doing. 我希望你明白你正在做什么。
    [03:13.54]I'll put the screws in a plastic bag. You'll only go and lose them. 我要把这些螺丝钉放到塑料袋里去。否则一会儿它们就会丢的。
    [03:16.62]Remember, they're in the right-hand jug6 on the dresser. 记住,它们在梳妆台右手边的抽屉里。
    [03:23.62](Hammering) (锤打声)
    [04:09.10](Hammering) (锤打声)
    [04:14.06](Hammering) (锤打声)
    [04:24.46](Hammering) (锤打声)
    [04:29.26](Hammering) (锤打声)
    [04:31.26]It's going to be very draughty with no doors on. 没有门之后,穿堂风可真大啊。
    [04:36.06]I expect it's a safety precaution. 我希望这是个安全有效的预防措施。
    [04:37.94]It'll let the er... blast go straight through. 冲击波将会直接穿过它。
    [04:41.82]It says here... 这里说...
    [04:46.18]"The inner core or refuge should be placed at an angle of 60 degrees for maximum strength." “核心或者隐蔽处应该被设置在冲击波最大强度的60度角方向。”
    [04:50.66]I should place it up against the wall, if I were you, dear. 如果我是你,我就把它放在墙对面,亲爱的。
    [04:56.18]Yes, but which are the degrees? 是啊,但是什么是角度呢?
    [04:56.58]We haven't got any angles. 我们没看到任何角度啊。
    [04:58.74]I think we did it at school. You... You had angles with degrees in. 我们在学校学过吧。你...你学过角度。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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