


时间:2018-05-11 12:20来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:52.42]has warned that the international situation is deteriorating 2 rapidly, 他指出当前国际局势正在快速恶化, [00:57.06]and that war could break out at any time in the next two or three days. 在未来的两三天内,战
  • [00:52.42]has warned that the international situation is deteriorating2 rapidly, 他指出当前国际局势正在快速恶化,
    [00:57.06]and that war could break out at any time in the next two or three days. 在未来的两三天内,战争随时可能爆发。
    [01:01.06]Crumbs! (碎裂声)
    [01:01.46]What's the matter, dear? Have you burned yourself? 怎么了,亲爱的?你弄伤自己了吗?
    [01:05.70]This is it, ducks! This is really it! 是啊,宝贝儿!正是这样!
    [01:08.22]Another sausage, dear? 还要三明治么,亲爱的?
    [01:11.18]I shouldn't worry too much. It'll probably all blow over. 我不该担心太多。也许很快就没事了。
    [01:13.26]- Three days! Blimey! Three days! - Language, James! Language! -三天!Blimey!三天之内! -说法!James!那只是一个说法!
    [01:18.30]Crumbs! It's lucky I got more leaflets from the public library only this morning. 幸好我早上在图书馆借了些资料。
    [01:24.86]Here we are, see? Er... 我找到了。呃...
    [01:25.26]"Protect And Survive" and er... "The Householder's Guide To Survival." 《自我保护与逃难》和《家庭逃生手册》
    [01:31.34]Now, this one should be really authoritative3. 现在这才是最权威的。
    [01:31.78]It's printed by the County Council. 这是国务院印发的。
    [01:33.14]We'd better commence the construction of a fallout shelter immediately. 我们最好立刻开始建造防辐射掩体。
    [01:38.54]We must do the correct thing. 我们必须作正确的事。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当风吹起的时候      

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