


时间:2016-12-11 22:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:56.52]Im well enough acquainted with you, Miss Elizabeth, 我算是认识你很久了 [03:59.00]to know that I cannot alarm you even should I wish it. 我知道你不会轻易被吓到 [04:00.52]What was my friend like in Hertfordshire?
  •   [03:56.52]I'm well enough acquainted with you, Miss Elizabeth, 我算是认识你很久了
      [03:59.00]to know that I cannot alarm you even should I wish it. 我知道你不会轻易被吓到
      [04:00.52]What was my friend like in Hertfordshire? 他在赫特福德郡表现如何?
      [04:03.20](STOPS PLAYING) 你真的想知道吗?
      [04:06.40]You really care to know?
      [04:08.88]Prepare yourself for something very dreadful. 我可不会说他的好话
      [04:12.72]The first time I saw him at the assembly, 他第一次在舞会上完全没跳舞
      [04:14.08]he danced with nobody at all.
      [04:15.24]Even though gentlemen were scarce 虽然那天的男生很少
      [04:18.44]and there was more than one young lady sitting down without a partner. 有很多女生都找不到舞伴
      [04:20.76]I knew nobody beyond my own party. 我在那儿谁也不认识
      [04:21.76]Oh, and nobody can be introduced in a ballroom7. 也没人向你自我介绍,对吧?
      [04:23.80]LADY CATHERINE: Fitzwilliam, I need you. 费兹威廉,我需要你
      [04:38.16]DARCY: I do not have the talent 当我面对陌生人
      [04:41.20]of conversing8 easily with people I have never met before. 完全不知道该如何对答
      [04:44.04]Perhaps you should take your aunt's advice and practise. 你应该听你阿姨的话多练习
      [00:00.78]ELIZABETH: Dear Jane... 亲爱的珍
      [00:08.14](BIRDS TWITTERING)
      [00:12.18](DOOR OPENING)
      [00:15.54]Mr Darcy. 达西先生
      [00:25.06]Please, do be seated. 请坐
      [00:33.94]I'm afraid Mr and Mrs Collins have gone on business to the village. 柯林斯夫妇到村里办事
      [00:42.62]This is a charming house. 这栋房子很不错
      [00:44.98]I believe my aunt did a great deal to it 我阿姨帮了柯林斯很大的忙
      [00:48.30]when Mr Collins first arrived.
      [00:54.02]She could not have bestowed1 her kindness on a more grateful subject. 他也衷心地感激她的帮忙

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