


时间:2016-12-11 22:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:06.38]- Shall I call for some tea? - No. Thank you. - 你要我请人泡茶吗? - 不用,谢谢 [01:11.74](DOOR OPENING) 再见,很高兴见到你 [01:14.94]Good day, Miss Elizabeth. Its been a pleasure. [01:25.46]What on earth ha
  •   [01:06.38]- Shall I call for some tea? - No. Thank you. - 你要我请人泡茶吗? - 不用,谢谢
      [01:11.74](DOOR OPENING) 再见,很高兴见到你
      [01:14.94]Good day, Miss Elizabeth. It's been a pleasure.
      [01:25.46]What on earth have you done to poor Mr Darcy? 你到底对可怜的达西做了什么?
      [01:27.66]I have no idea. 我也不知道
      [01:29.98]COLLINS: Every mind must have some counsellor 每个人都要有一个信赖的对象
      [01:35.34]to whom it may apply for consolation2 in distress3. 在需要的时候能够给予安慰
      [01:39.18]There are many conveniences which others can supply 世上有很多东西自己得不到
      [01:40.38]and which we cannot procure4 for ourselves. 必须靠别人来提供
      [01:43.54]I have now principally in view those objects 基本上这些东西
      [01:44.06]which are only to be obtained through intercourse5. 只能藉由“交媾”获得
      [01:49.58]Forgive me. 我是说朋友之间互相的交流
      [01:50.06](THUNDER RUMBLING) 对不起
      [01:50.90]Through the intercourse  of friendship or civility.
      [01:57.10]On such occasions, the proud man steps forth6 但是有些傲慢自大的人
      [01:59.10]to meet you not with the cordiality of affection, 并不会对你敬之以礼
      [02:02.62]but with the suspicion of one who reconnoitres an enemy... 反而会对你充满敌意…
      [02:07.46]So, how long do you plan to stay in Kent, Colonel? 上校,你要在肯特郡待多久?
      [02:08.30]As long as Darcy chooses. I'm at his disposal. 达西爱待多久我就待多久
      [02:12.82]Everyone appears to be at his disposal. 他好像爱怎样就怎样
      [02:15.18]I wonder he doesn't marry and secure a lasting7 convenience of that kind. 那嫁给他的女人会怎样?
      [02:18.02]She would be a lucky woman. 她会过得很幸福
      [02:21.02]Really? 真的吗?
      [02:23.02]Darcy is a most loyal companion. 达西是最忠心的伴侣
      [02:23.70]From what I heard on ourjourney here, 我这一路上听说
      [02:27.54]he recently came to the rescue of one of his friends just in time. 他最近救了一位朋友

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      傲慢与偏见      

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