


时间:2016-12-11 21:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:34.88]You must go and visit him at once. 你一定要马上去拜访他 [03:36.88]Good heavens. People. 老天爷,孩子们 [03:42.72]For we may not visit if you do not, as you well know, Mr Bennet. 你明知道你不去我们就不能去
  •   [03:34.88]You must go and visit him at once. 你一定要马上去拜访他
      [03:36.88]Good heavens. People. 老天爷,孩子们
      [03:42.72]For we may not visit if you do not, as you well know, Mr Bennet. 你明知道你不去我们就不能去
      [03:46.92]Aren’t you listening? You never listen. 你听到吗?你都没在听
      [03:48.60]MRS BENNET: At once.
      [03:49.76]KITTY: You must, Papa. 爸,你一定要去
      [03:52.76]There’s no need, I already have. 没这个必要,我已经去过了
      [03:55.60]- Have? - When? - 真的吗? - 几时?
      [03:55.80]Oh, Mr Bennet, how can you tease me so? 贝内特先生,你真会吊人胃口
      [03:59.64]Have you no compassion3 for my poor nerves? 你不怕我会发神经吗?
      [04:03.64]You mistake me, my dear. 你错怪我了
      [04:04.16]have the highest respect for them. 我就怕你发神经
      [04:07.00]They’ve been my constant companions 这二十年来我一直战战兢兢
      [04:09.00]these 20 years. 爸爸
      [04:09.00]Papa. 他人好不好?
      [04:10.84]- Is he amiable4? - Who? 他帅不帅?
      [04:13.04]- Is he handsome? - MARY: Who?
      [04:13.88]He’s sure to be handsome. 他一定很帅
      [04:16.04]With £5,000 a year, it would not matter 年收入五千镑
      [04:17.20]- if he had warts5 and a leer. - Who’s got warts? - 麻脸都无所谓 - 谁是麻脸?
      [04:18.20]I will give my hearty6 consent 他想娶我哪个女儿我都衷心祝福
      [04:21.56]to his marrying whichever of the girls he chooses.
      [04:23.56]So will he come to the ball tomorrow, Papa? 他明天会参加舞会吗?
      [04:26.60] believe so. 我相信会
      [04:28.76](GIRLS SHRIEKING) 珍,你的印花洋装借我穿
      [04:31.76]KITTY: Can I wear your spotted7 muslin? Oh, please, Jane.
      [04:33.12]Please, Jane, I’ll lend you my green slippers8. 我借你那双绿色便鞋

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