


时间:2015-08-27 20:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:51.03]One day accessing ones genetic7 make-up will be as easy as running a credit check. 有一天,存取一个人的遗传构造 将和开立信用支票一样容易 [03:54.83]That knowledge gives us the power to alter our destiny8. 那种
  •   [03:51.03]One day accessing one's genetic7 make-up will be as easy as running a credit check. 有一天,存取一个人的遗传构造 将和开立信用支票一样容易
      [03:54.83]That knowledge gives us the power to alter our destiny8. 那种知识给我们力量 改变我们的命运
      [03:59.04]Alter destiny? You believe that? 改变命运? 你信那档子事?
      [04:01.96]Yeah, of course I do. I'm telling you, in the next fifty years... 对,我当然信 告诉你,接下来五十年...
      [04:05.13]People are still going to die. 人依旧会死的
      [04:07.05]It'll still rain right after you wash your car, and the stones will still be touring. 洗过车后依旧会下雨 石头依旧会转动
      [04:13.76]That stuff's out of your control. The only things you can control are your own choices. 那种事不是你能主宰的 你唯一能主宰的是你自己的选择
      [04:19.06]Okay. 好吧
      [04:20.14]Well, that would be the other point of view. 那算是不同的观点
      [04:22.14]But I don't have time to debate destiny. I'm just practicing my speech. 但我没空争辩命运之说 我只是在练习我的演讲
      [04:25.65]Excuse me. 对不起
      [04:27.36]In case we don't talk later, dinner tonight. Tantra, seven o'clock. 以防等会没空说,今晚一块用餐 密传餐厅,七点钟
      [04:30.86]Tonight, seven o'clock? You're kidding, right? 今晚七点? 你在开玩笑,对吧?
      [04:33.49]Kidding? Not that I'm aware of. 开玩笑? 我不觉得啊
      [04:36.37]My concert. 我的演奏会

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      如果能再爱一次      

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