


时间:2015-08-27 20:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:17.55]But it says eleven oclock. 但表停在十一点 [01:19.55]Well, the hands must have moved. 指针一定是移位了 [01:21.64]At least itll be right twice a day. 至少一天会正确个两次 [01:24.77]Do me a favor. 帮我一个忙
  •   [01:17.55]But it says eleven o'clock. 但表停在十一点
      [01:19.55]Well, the hands must have moved. 指针一定是移位了
      [01:21.64]At least it'll be right twice a day. 至少一天会正确个两次
      [01:24.77]Do me a favor. 帮我一个忙
      [01:26.56]Call Tantra, push my reservation to nine. 打电话到密传餐厅 把我的预订席位延到九点
      [01:29.15]And have someone dash over to Harvey Nicks. I need a present for Samantha... 派个人去夏菲尼高商店 我需要送份礼物给珊曼莎...
      [01:31.77]For Samantha's graduation concert. 珊曼莎的毕业演奏会
      [01:34.78]How did you remember that? 你怎会记得那事呢?
      [01:36.07]I'm not sure, could be because she told me. 不清楚,可能是因为她告诉过我
      [01:39.16]She sent you an invitation which is on your desk, we programmed the date into your palm... 她寄了张邀请卡放在你桌上 我们把这日子排进你的掌上秘书...
      [01:43.99]Okay, got it, got it. Thanks. 好的,懂了懂了,谢谢
      [01:47.41]Anyway, I promised her a surprise. 无论如何,我答应要给她一份惊喜
      [01:50.50]So, how about a sweater? Something cashmere? 送件毛衣如何? 羊毛的?
      [01:53.00]Red! Red's her favorite color. 红色的! 她喜爱红色
      [01:55.30]She's already got one. 她已经有一件了
      [01:57.51]A red cashmere sweater. She was wearing it last time she was here. 红色羊毛衫 她上次来这儿就穿那件
      [02:00.93]She went on and on about how much she loved it. 不断地说她有多喜爱
      [02:03.43]Really? Where was I? 真的? 我那时人在哪?
      [02:05.52]Right next to her. 就在她旁边
      [02:20.24]'You have no idea... ' "你根本不懂..."
      [02:23.16]'What I feel inside' "我的内心感受"

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