


时间:2015-08-27 20:30来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:34.18]All birds are like that. 女孩子全是那样子 [02:35.60]Especially the yanks. Where do they come up with them? 尤其是美国人 她们是从哪学来的? [02:38.10]Oprah. 欧普拉 [02:39.68]Oh, right. 哦,对 [02:40.98]Your
  •   [02:34.18]All birds are like that. 女孩子全是那样子
      [02:35.60]Especially the yanks. Where do they come up with them? 尤其是美国人 她们是从哪学来的?
      [02:38.10]Oprah. 欧普拉
      [02:39.68]Oh, right. 哦,对
      [02:40.98]You're up guys. 起来一下,各位
      [02:43.94]Excuse me, miss. I couldn't help but notice that you work here. 小姐抱歉,我情不自禁 注意到你在这里工作
      [02:47.44]I was just wondering what time you... knock off? 我刚在想说 不知道你几点...下班?
      [02:52.95]Oh, just piss off, will you? 闪一旁去吧你
      [03:05.04]Oh, shit. Sorry, mate. 可恶,对不起了
      [03:09.26]That's all right, mate. I should be heading off anyway. 不要紧,反正我该走了
      [03:14.47]Samantha. Right. See you later, boys. 珊曼莎,好了,再见了各位
      [03:18.85]Bye bye, Romeo. 拜拜,罗密欧
      [03:21.77]- I think she liked you. - Definitely liked you, mate. -我认为她喜欢你 -绝对喜欢你
      [03:36.07]I just need an objective person to tell me... 我只是需要一个 客观的人来告诉我...
      [03:37.99]if the surrealist nudes7 should go on the east wall... 东边墙上应该挂超现实主义裸画...
      [03:40.62]or wether I should put the multiple falus sculptures there. 还是该摆些雕塑
      [03:43.91]They look pretty amazing when the sun hits them. 阳光照射的时候会相当迷人
      [03:46.13]I bet they do. 一定没错
      [03:50.05]Is that Ian? 那是伊恩吗?
      [03:57.05]What's he doing? 他在做什么?
      [04:06.23]Surprise. 惊喜

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