


时间:2015-09-28 22:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:23.04]...citing irreconcilable5 differences. This correct? 加利福尼亚州政府判决离婚,对吗? [02:27.04]- Yes, Your Honor. - Is Michael ODonnell present? - 是的,法官大人 - 迈克尔奥唐纳出席了吗? [02:32.0
  •   [02:23.04]...citing irreconcilable5 differences. This correct? 加利福尼亚州政府判决离婚,对吗?
      [02:27.04]- Yes, Your Honor. - Is Michael O’Donnell present? - 是的,法官大人 - 迈克尔·奥唐纳出席了吗?
      [02:32.08]No, Your Honor. 没有,法官大人
      [02:33.92]I take his absence as agreement to the orders of the divorce. 我将对其缺席做为他对离婚裁决的认可
      [02:40.12]- You are not requesting sole custody6? - No, Your Honor. - 你不申请独立监护权吗? - 不,法官大人
      [02:43.48]"You can’t handle the truth!" “你承受不了真相”! (《A Few Good Men》经典台词)
      [02:47.12]What? 什么?
      [02:49.16]I’m sorry, I panicked. It was the first thing that came into my mind. 对不起,我慌了神,一下子脱口而出
      [02:50.64]Your Majesty7. 陛下
      [02:53.68]- Who are you? - That’s my husband’s best friend. - 你是谁? - 那是我丈夫最好的朋友
      [02:58.52]You a lawyer, best friend? 你是律师吗?最好的朋友
      [02:59.20]- Yes. - No. - 是的 - 不
      [03:02.88]I believe the law degree in my pocket says so. 我相信我口袋里的这张法学学位证书 能证明我所言属实
      [03:04.88]Yes, and it’s a little bit smeared8 because I sat on it in the car... 是的,它的确被弄糊了一点,不过是 因为在车上被我的屁股压成这样…
      [03:11.56]...not because I printed it out recently. …而不是刚刚印刷出来的缘故
      [03:16.92]Let’s pretend that’s real. Want to explain what you’re doing? 就让我们当你说的是真的 可以解释一下你要做什么吗?

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