


时间:2015-09-23 12:50来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:40.08]What did he do? 他做了什么? [03:42.92]After the game... 比赛结束后 [03:46.60]We... 我们 [03:49.44]He took me behind the quad5, and we... 他带我到后场,我们 [03:50.48]I cant hear this. You didnt. 我听不下去
  •   [03:40.08]What did he do? 他做了什么?
      [03:42.92]After the game... 比赛结束后…
      [03:46.60]We... 我们…
      [03:49.44]He took me behind the quad5, and we... 他带我到后场,我们…
      [03:50.48]I can’t hear this. You didn’t. 我听不下去了,说你没有那么做
      [03:55.48]- No, Mags. - No. - 不,玛姬 - 没有
      [03:57.84]No. 没有
      [04:01.52]That’s why he dumped me. 所以他把我甩了
      [04:08.52]Mags, hey. 玛姬,嘿
      [04:10.04]Hey, hey, it’s okay. 嘿,嘿,这没什么大不了的
      [04:14.56]You know... 要知道…
      [04:16.56]...when you’re young, everything feels like the end of the world. …当你还年轻的时候 每件事都像世界末日一样令你绝望
      [04:22.76]It’s not. 其实不是
      [04:24.44]Right. 你说的对
      [04:27.60]It’s just the beginning. 一切才刚刚开始
      [04:32.64]You might have to meet a few more jerks... 你可能还会遇到几个混蛋…
      [04:35.00]...who treats you the way that you deserve to be treated: …能够给予你所应得的柔情的男孩
      [04:35.32]...but one day you’re going to meet a boy... …但是总有一天你会找到一个…
      [04:41.84]Like the sun rises and sets with you. 就像日升日落般陪伴着你
      [04:51.72]You really think so? 你真的这么认为?
      [04:53.40]I know so. 我知道会是这样
      [04:58.40]That’s so sweet. 你真好

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      重返17岁      

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