


时间:2016-04-13 22:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:05.98]Sire, we can get you out if you leave now. 若你现在离开 还能有救 [00:07.78]Im not about to tell my uncle 我不要禀告国王 [00:11.98]Ive lost him the greatest city in Northern England. 我失去英格兰北部最好的
  •   [00:05.98]Sire, we can get you out if you leave now. 若你现在离开  还能有救
      [00:07.78]I’m not about to tell my uncle 我不要禀告国王
      [00:11.98]I’ve lost him the greatest city in Northern England. 我失去英格兰北部最好的城堡
      [00:54.90]Come on! 上!
      [01:29.90]Make way for the king! 给国王让路!
      [01:40.34]It’s not your fault. 不是你的错
      [01:44.34]Stand up to him! 去抵御他!
      [01:46.38]I will stand up to him and more. 我会继续抗战的
      [02:23.54]What news of the north? 北方有何消息?
      [02:26.54]Nothing new, Your Majesty1. 没  大人
      [02:31.02]We’ve sent riders to speed any word. 派了骑士加速传讯
      [02:33.74]I heard the word in France, 在法国为未来王朝打拼时听说
      [02:34.78]where I was fighting to expand your future kingdom.The word   my son 我们北方军队全军覆没
      [02:41.66]is that our entire northern army is annihilated2... 我们北方军队全军覆没
      [02:45.14]and you have done nothing. 而你却束手无策
      [02:48.90]I have ordered conscriptions. 我已下令召募民兵
      [02:50.90]They’re assembled and ready to depart. 准备撤退
      [02:54.46]Excuse me, sire, but there’s a very urgent message from York. 对不起  陛下  约克传来急报

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      勇敢的心      

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