


时间:2016-04-13 21:43来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.24]Ill send written warning first. 我会先写信 [00:04.52]Wouldnt do much good.I cant read. 没用的 我不识字 [00:05.32]Can you not? 你不识字? [00:07.60]No. 不 [00:09.28]Well, thats something 那是我们该要加强的
  •   [00:01.24]I’ll send written warning first. 我会先写信
      [00:04.52]Wouldn’t do much good.I can’t read. 没用的  我不识字
      [00:05.32]Can you not? 你不识字?
      [00:07.60]No. 不
      [00:09.28]Well, that’s something 那是我们该要加强的
      [00:13.84]You’re going to teach me to read, then? 你会教我读书?
      [00:16.32]If you like. 只要你愿意
      [00:18.24]In what language? 愿意 哪种语言?
      [00:20.12]You’re showing off now. 你现在很显眼
      [00:21.20]That’s right.Are you impressed yet? 对  加深印象了吧?
      [00:23.36]No. Why should I be? 没  我该要吗?
      [00:34.12]Do that standing1 on your head,and I’ll be impressed. 倒立着讲  我印象会更深刻
      [00:35.40]My kilt will fly up,but I’ll try it. 我裙子会飞起来  不过我会试
      [00:39.32]God, you certainly didn’t learn any manners. 天哪  你的确没好好学礼貌
      [00:43.08]The French and Romans have far worse manners. 法国人和罗马人礼貌更差
      [00:43.44]You’ve been to Rome? 你去过罗马?
      [00:46.16]What was it like? 像什么样?
      [00:54.52]What does that mean? 什么意思?
      [00:57.40]Beautiful. 很美
      [01:00.56]But I belong here. 但我属于这里
      [01:35.08]Murron? 茉朗
      [01:38.24]Come in now. 进来
      [02:48.60]Sin’, I know it was strange of me to invite Murron to ride last night 我知道昨晚邀茉朗骑马很冒昧

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      勇敢的心      

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