


时间:2016-04-13 21:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:43.48]Its good Scottish weather, madame. 是苏格兰的好天气 夫人 [03:45.56]The rain is falling straight down. 小雨一直下着 [03:47.96]Well, slightly to the side, like. 轻飘飘地落在脸庞 喜欢这感觉 [03:49.56]She
  •   [03:43.48]It’s good Scottish weather, madame. 是苏格兰的好天气  夫人
      [03:45.56]The rain is falling straight down. 小雨一直下着
      [03:47.96]Well, slightly to the side, like. 轻飘飘地落在脸庞  喜欢这感觉
      [03:49.56]She can’t go with you. 她不能去
      [03:50.92]No the now, anyway. 无论如何  现在不行
      [03:55.04]No the now. 现在不行
      [03:56.52]The weather’s just fine. It’s hardly raining. 天气还好  不会下雨
      [03:56.72]- No the now? - We’ll see you later. - 现在不行? - 再见了
      [03:59.00]Did you not hear what I said? 你没听到我说什么吗
      [04:01.16]Murron! Get... Oh. 茉朗  她走了
      [04:06.04]It’s you she takes after. 她个性真像你
      [04:37.16]How could you know me after so long? 你怎么认出我的?
      [04:41.04]Well, I didn’t. 我没
      [04:41.16]I saw you staring,and I didn’t know who you were. 我看到你在看我  不知道是你
      [04:45.52]I’m sorry.I suppose I was. 抱歉  我是在看你
      [04:50.20]Are you in the habit of riding off in the rain with strangers? 你习惯跟陌生人在雨中骑马?
      [04:52.88]It was the best way to make you leave. 这是让你离开的好方法
      [04:59.96]Well, if I can ever work up the courage to ask you again, 若我能再鼓起勇气来约你

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      勇敢的心      

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