


时间:2016-04-13 21:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:06.00]I shall tell you of William Wallace. 我要告诉你们威廉华莱士的故事 [01:10.00]Historians from England will say I am a liar1. 英国史学界会认为我是骗子 [01:15.00]But history is written by those who have hange
  •   [01:06.00]I shall tell you of William Wallace. 我要告诉你们威廉华莱士的故事
      [01:10.00]Historians from England will say I am a liar1. 英国史学界会认为我是骗子
      [01:15.00]But history is written by those who have hanged heroes. 但历史是由崇拜英雄者所撰写
      [01:19.16]The king of Scotland had died without a son, 苏格兰国王驾崩时未留子嗣
      [01:23.52]and the king of England, 而英格兰王位
      [01:25.92]a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks, 被残酷异教徒长腿爱德华
      [01:30.96]claimed the throne of Scotland for himself. 自封为王
      [01:31.76]Scotland’s nobles fought him 苏格兰贵族与他宣战
      [01:34.64]and fought each other over the crown. 互相交战  争夺王位
      [01:37.76]So Longshanks invited them to talks of truce2... 长腿邀他们共商休战
      [01:41.80]No weapons,one page only. 不携武器  只准一名侍随
      [01:49.04]Among the farmers of that shire was Malcolm Wallace, 农民代表是平民马尔科姆 华莱士
      [01:52.84]a commoner with his own lands. 他有自己的土地
      [01:56.20]He had two sons,John and William. 两个儿子  约翰和威廉
      [02:03.88]I told you to stay. 我叫你留在家中
      [02:06.16]Well,I finished my work. 我做完事了
      [02:08.92]Where are we going? 我们上哪?
      [02:10.76]MacAndrews’.He was supposed to visit 麦安祖家  聚会结束后拜访
      [02:15.12]- Can I come? - No, go home, boy! - 我能去吗? - 不  回家  孩子!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      勇敢的心      

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