


时间:2016-04-01 12:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:48.40]他们既惊且喜,不胜感激 [03:50.32]And theyre just grateful. Underfed. Underpaid. [03:52.92]两餐不继的演员 [03:55.92]Why dont they ask me to stay in the village and have a feast? 村民为什么不设宴款待我?
  •   [03:48.40]他们既惊且喜,不胜感激
      [03:50.32]And they’re just grateful. Underfed. Underpaid.
      [03:55.92]Why don’t they ask me to stay in the village and have a feast? 村民为什么不设宴款待我?
      [03:58.92]Yeah. Sara, hey.
      [04:01.28]- Can we talk for a sec? - Sure. 可以谈谈吗?
      [04:03.12]Okay, yeah, I’m going to split, guys. 好,我要走了
      [04:04.64]Lars, I’ll tell you what. I’m gonna talk to the director... 拉斯,我会跟导演谈谈
      [04:06.20]and I’m gonna have him tweak that whole section. 我会叫他修改一下
      [04:08.24]- It’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. - Tell him about the feast. 放心好了
      [04:13.52]- What’s going on? - I lost my keys yesterday. 什么事?
      [04:16.16]我昨天遗失了钥匙 那可麻烦
      [04:18.44]- Oh, that’s a drag. - And I’ve just found them in the freezer. 后来在冰箱内找到
      [04:20.20]I don’t get it. Is that a joke? 开玩笑?
      [04:23.16]No, Lars, it’s not a joke. 不是开玩笑,我觉得失魂落魄
      [04:26.84]It’s the wedding plans and the tour and my patients. 婚礼、巡回演出、我的病人
      [04:30.20]It’s just a bit too much to deal with. 我应付不虾
      [04:32.04]Okay, Sara, look. We’re leaving for Toronto in the morning, 早上我们就要去多伦多
      [04:36.04]- so don’t fall apart on me now. - I know, I know, I know. 不要崩溃
      [04:40.60]And that’s why I think I need a little break. 明白,所以我想分开一下
      [04:43.24]What do you mean, a little break? 分开?

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