


时间:2016-04-01 12:20来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:58.64]What do I need? 要我买什么?即管说 [01:00.16]Ring it up. [01:02.16]- Well, we have a purple tie. What would go with a purple tie? - Mm-hmm. 紫领带应该配衬什么? [01:04.08]I look like a magician. 我像个魔术师
  •   [00:58.64]What do I need? 要我买什么?即管说
      [01:00.16]Ring it up.
      [01:02.16]- Well, we have a purple tie. What would go with a purple tie? - Mm-hmm. 紫领带…应该配衬什么?
      [01:04.08]I look like a magician. 我像个魔术师
      [01:06.88]All right, you horrible little man. 好吧,你这可恶小人
      [01:10.16]I bought the entire spring line. Okay, you happy? 我买了全套春装,满意未?
      [01:11.56]- Now, look her up. - I already did. 查查她姓什么吧
      [01:15.68]It was a dead account. There’s no information in our computers. 查过,帐户已经取消
      [01:18.68]- You give me that? - Hey, chase me. 给我!  追我吧
      [01:20.52]- Chase you? What? Are you insane? - Don’t cross the line! 追你?发神经吗?  你过了界
      [01:22.20]- You crossed the line! - Stop saying that or I will cut you! 再说过界就砌你!你最好帮我
      [01:26.64]Now, you better find a way to help me right now! 立即帮!  还有办法
      [01:28.80]- I can suggest another option. - Suggest it fast. 快说
      [01:29.08]When our customers apply for a credit card, 信用卡单据副本存放在…
      [01:30.92]the hard copies go to our storage facility in Queens. 我们在昆士区的货仓内
      [01:35.16]All you need is the account number, which you already have, 凭帐号就可以查到她的资料
      [01:36.76]and you can find her application. 不过,要雇员陪同才可以进去

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