


时间:2016-03-31 22:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:54.28]- Mm-hmm. - # Sara ## [01:57.84]- ( Horns Honking4 ) - Whoo! [01:58.16](Jonathan) Im telling you, I keep running into her. 我不断碰到她,不断碰到 [02:02.68]I keep finding it. It keeps happening. She was at the golf rang
  •   [01:54.28]- Mm-hmm. - # Sara ##
      [01:57.84]- ( Horns Honking4 ) - Whoo!
      [01:58.16](Jonathan) I’m telling you, I keep running into her. 我不断碰到她,不断碰到
      [02:02.68]I keep finding it. It keeps happening. She was at the golf range.
      [02:04.56]She’s a big girl now with big hips5. All right? 去高球练习场,她是个肥妹
      [02:06.56]Then I gotta leave ’cause Sara’s gonna cut my hair, 去剪发,理发师是莎拉
      [02:09.88]And the guy in the taxi, he’s serenading me, "Sara." 搭的士,有人唱莎拉情歌
      [02:12.48]I’m telling you, the universe keeps revealing her to me, 她无处不在,搞到我失魂落魄
      [02:14.24]- screwing with my head. - You’re getting married in three days.
      [02:15.64]- That’s my point. - It’s entirely6 duplicitous. 你即将结婚 那才邪门!
      [02:19.68]Think about it. Why would you risk your relationship with Halley... 破坏自己的婚事,不值啊
      [02:23.32]- just to search for some pipe dream? - Just hear me out, man.
      [02:27.12]And maybe every time you fall in love with somebody,
      [02:27.80]I’m sure that I love Halley, all right? 我真心爱希莉,我明白到…
      [02:29.12]it’s a completely different experience. 每段情史都完全不同
      [02:33.80]So it’s a mistake to compare them. I get it, but-- 所以不可以比较

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