


时间:2016-03-31 21:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:03.12]If you look closely, you can see Cassiopeia. 细心看,看得见仙后座 [00:05.64]- What? - Right there. 什么? 就在这里 [00:10.08]Hold on a minute. 等一等 [00:12.60]Okay. All right, heres the story. 得,且听我道
  •   [00:03.12]If you look closely, you can see Cassiopeia. 细心看,看得见仙后座
      [00:05.64]- What? - Right there. 什么?  就在这里
      [00:10.08]Hold on a minute. 等一等
      [00:12.60]Okay. All right, here’s the story. 得,且听我道来
      [00:16.16]A long time ago in Ethiopia, 很久以前,埃塞俄比亚…
      [00:18.32]there was this queen named Cassiopeia... 有位个王后叫卡西俄珀亚
      [00:21.00]who thought she was the most beautiful woman in the entire world, 自诩是世上绝色
      [00:27.36]and there wasn’t anybody in the kingdom who wasn’t offended... 不可一世
      [00:27.48]by this woman’s relentless1 vanity. 谁也敬而远之
      [00:31.08]And then one day, she really screwed up and offended the gods. 有一次,得罪了天神
      [00:32.64]I don’t remember what she did and I don’t remember who she offended. 细节我记不起
      [00:34.96]But it was bad. She crossed the line. 总之,她过了火位
      [00:37.12]But anyway, Poseidon, the sea god, punished Cassiopeia... 海神为了处罚她…
      [00:42.08]by placing her in the heavens upside down on her throne, 把她永远倒悬在天空
      [00:45.40]stuck for eternity2 with her skirt around her shoulders... 双脚朝上,王冠朝下
      [00:46.00]and all the blood rushing to her head. 浑身血液往脑袋逆流
      [00:48.96]And now she’s just a constellation3 in the sky, 现在她化身为天上的星座
      [00:53.40]a bunch of English freckles4 in the shape of a throne. 一撮王冠型的英国雀斑
      [00:57.28]So she made one tragic5 mistake. 古语有云:一失足…

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