


时间:2020-03-02 17:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:02.74]I really thought that you followed me. - Its all right. - 我还以为你在跟踪我 - 没关系 [02:10.26]No, it is not moving. Maybe if we push the alarm button. 它不动了 或许按一下警报按钮 [02:18.42]Im sure it will
  • [02:02.74]I really thought that you followed me. - It's all right. - 我还以为你在跟踪我 - 没关系
    [02:10.26]No, it is not moving. Maybe if we push the alarm button. 它不动了 或许按一下警报按钮
    [02:18.42]I'm sure it will start up in a minute. 我肯定它很快就会再启动的
    [02:30.62]Again, I am really sorry. - Don't even worry about it. - 再说一次 我很抱歉 - 不用介意
    [02:38.42]You have nice Veins4. 你的血管很好
    [02:45.98]You should give blood. 你应该去献血
    [03:05.58]Can you check? Is there any messages for me? 能查一下吗? 有没有给我的消息?
    [03:10.90]Room 211. 211号房
    [03:14.90]Thank you 谢谢
    [03:22.26]I am strong. 我很强壮
    [03:27.38]I am powerful 我有力量
    [03:29.90]I'm a fucking loser. 我是他妈的失败者
    [04:42.42]This thought would put some positive spin on thing. My son drew the design. 这或许能带出一些正面的情绪 我儿子设计的
    [04:45.82]Hi there, that is a real nice job you did there. 嗨 画得不错啊
    [04:50.66]Where is your arm? 你的手呢?
    [04:52.34]No, thats all right. - I'm sorry. - 没关系 - 很抱歉
    [04:54.82]Kids. 孩子嘛
    [04:55.86]He is cute. - Thank you. - 他很可爱 - 谢谢
    [04:58.54]I was hoping that i could put something that i missed out. 我想在这里放点东西

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      阳光清洗      

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