


时间:2020-03-02 17:23来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:32.66]Excuse me, you carry something called Fancy Corn ? 不好意思 你们这里有奇幻玉米吗? [04:40.58]That was really something Oscar That was really terrific. 太棒了 Oscar 你真厉害哇 [04:44.82]You got the moves, you go
  • [04:32.66]Excuse me, you carry something called Fancy Corn ? 不好意思 你们这里有奇幻玉米吗?
    [04:40.58]That was really something Oscar That was really terrific. 太棒了 Oscar 你真厉害哇
    [04:44.82]You got the moves, you got the nerves You're a real sharp cookie. 够胆识 够机灵 你真是个聪明蛋儿
    [04:48.34]No, I'm not, i'm stupid. - No, you're not. - 不是的 我很笨 - 不 你才不笨呢
    [04:51.22]Why are you saying that? Why do you said that you're stupid? 为什么你这样说? 为什么你说自己笨?
    [04:53.54]It is true, They wanted to put me in retard5 class. 是真的 他们想把我分到白痴班里
    [04:55.46]Who wants to put you in retard class? - The Teachers. - 谁要把你放进白痴班? - 那些老师
    [04:58.54]They don't know how to deal with someone who, As intelligent as you're, that's what the problem is. 他们不知道怎么对待一个 像你这样聪明的人 这才是问题所在
    [00:05.10]You are a very very smart kid. You get bored a lot?? 你是个小神童  你是不是经常觉得无聊?
    [00:08.22]You look out the window? - All the time. - 你经常看窗外吗? - 经常看
    [00:09.34]Well you see thats prove how intelligent you  are, They should be catering1 to you, 那就证明了你是多么的有才 他们应该优待你
    [00:10.66]They should be something special for you. - Do you really think so? - 他们应该给你特殊照顾 - 你真的这样觉得吗?
    [00:16.42]I know so, and on top of that I think you're a god damn genius. 我知道 而且我认为你是个天才
    [00:21.58]You gals2 did a real nice job. - Thank you - 你们干得不错 - 谢谢
    [00:27.38]$ 500, you can call us anytime. 500块 欢迎下次再找我们
    [00:34.14]He call you anytime. 别算上我
    [00:36.82]It was so disgusting, That smell was... just bad. 恶心极了 那味道真是...糟透了
    [00:43.22]I just cant3 even describe it. 我都不知道怎么形容了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      阳光清洗      

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