


时间:2020-03-02 17:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.82]Yeah sure. Put them down over there. 可以 放在那吧 [00:07.30]This is great, but you guys dont want to consider getting out there and try to marketing 1 yourself? 这很好 不过你们 不打算出去推销一下自己吗? [0
  • [00:02.82]Yeah sure. Put them down over there. 可以 放在那吧
    [00:07.30]This is great, but you guys don't want to consider getting out there and try to marketing1 yourself? 这很好 不过你们 不打算出去推销一下自己吗?
    [00:13.06]Marketing ourself? - Like funeral home, - 推销自己? - 例如去殡仪馆
    [00:14.82]Property managers. 找物业管理啊
    [00:18.42]If you get into insurance companies, They will throw you tons of work. 如果你们去保险公司  他们会给你们成堆的活干
    [00:22.02]Really? Insurance companies? 真的? 保险公司?
    [00:25.14]This is a really good idea. 这个主意不错
    [00:26.82]Are you guys have BBP right? - A BB what? - 你们有BBP的对吧? - BB啥?
    [00:30.94]A BBP certification? BBP 血源性病原体证明?
    [00:34.26]No, I don't. 我没有
    [00:42.94]I could sign you up For the next seminar, if you like. 我可以帮你登记参加下次的研讨会  要是你想去的话
    [00:46.18]Yeah, I'd like. - 好啊 我很乐意 - 谢谢
    [00:46.50]You are welcome. Rose from 'Sunshine Cleaning', you gotta love that. 别客气 阳光清洁公司的Rose  这名儿多好听哇
    [00:58.82]Sorry. 对不起
    [01:02.74]I think you'll gonna like this car. 我想你们会喜欢这辆车的
    [01:07.50]The girls have done their own business. They're doing crime scene and trauma2 cleanup. 姑娘们自己创业啦 她们做犯罪现场和创伤清洁的
    [01:12.26]It is a real gross industry. - Sounds kinda Gorey. - 挺恶心的行业 - 听起来好狗血
    [01:14.94]That can be, can be. 有时候吧

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