


时间:2020-03-02 17:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:57.70]I have that puzzle. A tough one. And I gave up. 我有那副拼图 很难 拼不起来 就放弃了 [04:09.58]That is $ 68.24. - Do you like cats? - 一共68块24 - 你喜欢猫吗? [04:17.38]Nice going, you freak him out. - I aske
  • [03:57.70]I have that puzzle. A tough one. And I gave up. 我有那副拼图 很难 拼不起来 就放弃了
    [04:09.58]That is $ 68.24. - Do you like cats? - 一共68块24 - 你喜欢猫吗?
    [04:17.38]Nice going, you freak him out. - I asked him, if he like cats. - 你厉害 吓跑他了 - 我只是问他喜不喜欢猫
    [04:20.14]You wanna bring this back when you're done? 看完以后拿回来好吗?
    [04:22.42]Rules and regulations Biohazard clean up. 规章制度 生物危害清洁
    [04:29.70]For you. 给你
    [04:30.98]How much was that again? 多少钱来着?
    [04:34.74]Turns out its against the law to throw. Biohazard in the dumpster. 原来把有害生物物质扔进垃圾桶 是违法的
    [04:42.62]How perfect was he, With one arm. 对于独臂人来说 他算不错了
    [04:45.86]That creepy guy, I'm wondering If he was born like that. 那个怪人 我在想他是不是天生的
    [04:50.02]He was not creepy. - Dude he has one arm. - 他不怪 - 大哥 他只有一只手
    [04:55.74]They think we are a couple of hacks7. - We are a couple of hacks. - 他们觉得我们是废柴 - 我们就是废柴
    [04:59.78]Oh okay, here it is, Let me out here. 哦 好了 就在这 让我下车
    [00:04.22]Why? - Because i got shit to do, okay? - 为什么?  - 因为我有事要做 行吗?
    [00:10.18]I'm dropping Oscar at 700. - You got class tonight? - 7点后我管不了Oscar哦 - 你今天晚上有课吗?
    [00:14.66]Mortgage Lenders and financing1. 放贷者及融资
    [00:16.58]Mortgage lenders? 放贷者?
    [00:21.30]Well Heather is pregnant2 again. Heather又怀孕了
    [00:26.74]Did you know that? 你知道吗?
    [00:27.66]He will never gonna leave her. 他不会离开她的
    [00:33.82]You are pathetic3. 你真可怜
    [01:43.50]Why are you following me? - I'm not following you. - 你为什么跟踪我? - 我没跟踪你
    [01:46.54]You following me. 你是在跟踪我
    [01:49.78]No, I'm not following you. No. 没有 我没跟踪你
    [01:59.86]I'm sorry. 抱歉

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      阳光清洗      

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