


时间:2020-03-02 17:34来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:27.58]And we have this really difficult - Smelly - Really smelly job - 我们接到了这个很难...很臭的活儿 - 是臭... [02:32.54]Where this woman had just died And she has been there for a while, and... 那个女人死了 而且已
  • [02:27.58]And we have this really difficult - Smelly - Really smelly job - 我们接到了这个很难...很臭的活儿 - 是臭...
    [02:32.54]Where this woman had just died And she has been there for a while, and... 那个女人死了 而且已经死了一段时间 然后...
    [02:34.10]"Decomp. " - Yes, a 'decomp'. - "净化" - 对 "净化"
    [02:39.66]Follow me. - It's a technical term. - 跟我来 - 这是一个专业名词
    [02:44.78]Here you have the general purpose cleaners, Extraction cleaners, 这里有普通用途清洁剂 无泡清洁剂
    [02:45.94]Odor control, the disinfectants, Stain removal, and shampoos. 气味控制剂 消毒剂  除污剂 还有洗发剂
    [02:52.94]Steam cleaners, cleaning machines and washing machines For rental3 purchase 蒸汽清洁器之类的在这儿 可租可买
    [02:55.98]Sawdust and rapid binding4, That is good for vomit5. 速吸锯屑 打扫呕吐物很灵光
    [03:00.98]Personal protective equipment is there, If you have questions, come find me 保护用具在那边 有问题就过来找我
    [03:14.18]Look there again, You may find there. 去那边找找 那边可能有
    [03:20.66]Hey, how are you Carl? 嘿 你好吗 Carl?
    [03:22.42]Have you ever heard a couple of amateurs? Who are poaching jobs? - 你有没有听说两个生手在抢生意? - 没听说
    [03:26.58]Someone who made 'decomp 'for $ 500. 有人做了一次"净化"就赚了500块
    [03:30.10]Do you wanna bet, That they put all the shit right in the dumpster. 你信不信  他们肯定只把所有东西扔进垃圾桶
    [03:33.18]I certainly hope not. - What do you got there? 希望不是吧 你买什么?
    [03:37.42]I have 22 liters or fast-acting solvent6 And here. 五加仑的快溶剂
    [03:38.50]The best. - You too, see you soon Carl. - 祝你一天顺利 - 你也是 再见 Carl
    [03:52.98]One, two, three, four, five of those. 一 二 三 四 五 这个五件

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      阳光清洗      

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