


时间:2020-02-11 16:48来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:04.80]Emily. What? 艾米丽.怎么了? [01:57.16]Hey. 嗨. [01:59.48]Whats up? 怎么了? [02:03.00]- I brought 10 you some coffee. - Thanks. - 我给你带了咖啡. - 谢谢. [02:06.52]Hey, man, Im sorry about last night. 嗨,伙计,关
  • [01:04.80]Emily. What? 艾米丽.怎么了?
    [01:57.16]Hey. 嗨.
    [01:59.48]What's up? 怎么了?
    [02:03.00]- I brought10 you some coffee. - Thanks. - 我给你带了咖啡. - 谢谢.
    [02:06.52]Hey, man, I'm sorry about last night. 嗨,伙计,关于昨晚的事我很抱歉
    [02:08.84]My pop11, you see, he got12 a little pain13, 我爸,你知道,他昨晚有点不舒服,
    [02:11.04]and so I got nervous14, you know. 我很紧张.
    [02:13.20]And I called the doctor. He's okay15, though16. 我叫来医生.他又说没事了.
    [02:15.88]By the time I called the Mill17, you were gone already18. 等我给米尔打通电话的时候,你已经走了.
    [02:20.72]So, was19 the Mill fun last night? 想听昨天在米尔家的笑话吗?
    [02:25.72]Nope. 不.
    [02:25.76]Any word from Olivia? 有奥莉维亚的消息吗?
    [02:28.40]- No. - You wanna do something tonight? - 没有. - 今晚你想干啥?
    [02:30.24]No. 没啥.
    [02:32.08]What the fuck, man? 你怎么了,伙计?
    [02:33.08]I said20 I was sorry. What more do you want from me? 我已经道歉了.你还想让我怎么样?
    [02:36.96]I want to be left alone21, Joe. 我想一个人待着, 乔.行吗?
    [02:42.12]That's what I want. 这就是我的想法.
    [02:46.48]Fine. Be alone. 好.一个人.
    [03:48.20](Telephone rings)

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