


时间:2019-12-26 09:33来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.72]My wife was inside the car, staying warm, 我老婆呆在温暖的车厢里, [00:06.72]but I was on the hood 1 . 但是我身子要伸出车外. [00:09.72]Theres people standing 2 by here as its going by. 人们就像站在马路边一
  • [00:02.72]My wife was inside the car, staying warm, 我老婆呆在温暖的车厢里,
    [00:06.72]but I was on the hood1. 但是我身子要伸出车外.
    [00:09.72]There's people standing2 by here as it's going by. 人们就像站在马路边一样站在铁路边上
    [00:13.76]The traffic, of course, 等着通过路口
    [00:15.08]was stopped to allow the train... 因为火车,他们只好停在那里...
    [00:22.96]Oh. 哦.
    [00:23.28]Now, here I was hanging out shooting this 现在我正放映的片子是在…
    [00:24.64]in Canada. 加拿大拍的.
    [00:28.48]This is Canada. It's cold. 这就是加拿大.非常冷
    [00:30.00]Snow. 下着大雪.
    [00:31.32]The scenery was, uh, really spectacular. 但是风景非常壮观.
    [00:38.88]See, because the train is moving forward, 看,因为火车向前走,
    [00:42.20]the smoke is coming back. 烟都是往后飘的.
    [00:42.40]It was not extremely windy, but the smoke did billow. 其实风并不大,但是烟已经翻腾的很剧烈了.
    [00:47.24]And, oh, we're about to go into a tunnel. 哦,这个是火车正在通过一个隧道.
    [00:51.24]Yeah, we're in a tunnel. 我们正在隧道里.
    [00:53.92]For about a minute. 要持续一分钟.
    [00:57.12]It got colder when we were in the tunnel. 在隧道里更冷了.
    [00:60.80]It was one of the darker tunnels in Canada. 这是加拿大的一个隧道.
    [01:25.72]Lunch. 该吃午饭了.
    [01:52.68]He was a nice man. He was a nice man. 他是个好人. 他是个好人.
    [01:55.20]I don't think we've ever met. 我想我们以前没见过面.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      心灵驿站      

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