


时间:2020-03-18 16:31来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:40.84]- Yeah. - lm keeping you up. 对 打扰了 [03:42.32]We got big things tomorrow. 明天还有大事要做呢 [03:45.12]All right. Youre awesome 3 . Last thing lm gonna say. Bye-bye. 好吧 你很牛 我就说这些了 OK 拜拜 [03
  • [03:40.84]- Yeah.  - l'm keeping you up. 对  打扰了
    [03:42.32]We got big things tomorrow. 明天还有大事要做呢
    [03:45.12]All right. You're awesome3.  Last thing l'm gonna say. Bye-bye. 好吧  你很牛  我就说这些了 OK  拜拜
    [03:53.28]What was that? 说什么呢?
    [03:55.24]OK. All right. Good night. 那好 走了 晚安
    [03:57.96]Sleep well. 做个好梦
    [04:02.20]That seemed a little awkward. 真有点尴尬
    [04:05.56]Master Tigress!  l didn't mean to wake you. 娇虎大侠  我没想吵醒你  只是...
    [04:09.84]- You don't belong here.  - Yeah,of course. 你不属于这里  是呀 是呀  当然
    [04:11.92]This is your room. 这是你的房间
    [04:14.36]l mean,you don't belong  in the Jade4 Palace. 我是说 你不属于我们翡翠宫
    [04:15.84]You're a disgrace to kung fu,and if you have 你是武林的耻辱  如果你
    [04:19.60]any respect for who we are  and what we do, 还懂得尊重我们这些大侠 尊重武林
    [04:23.48]you will be gone by morning. 那你明天一早就离开
    [04:29.92]Big fan! 我崇拜你
    [04:39.08]l see you have found the Sacred  Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. 看来你已经发现了这棵天资神明圣桃树
    [04:45.76]ls that what this is? Sorry. l thought  it was just a regular peach tree. 就是这棵树?  不好意思  我还以为是平常的桃树
    [04:51.24]l understand.  You eat when you are upset. 这我理解 你心情烦燥 所以你就吃
    [04:54.88]Upset? l'm not upset.  What makes you think l'm upset. 心烦?  我没心烦 你怎么觉得我心烦
    [05:00.96]So why are you so upset? 你到底心里在烦些什么?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      功夫熊猫      

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