


时间:2020-03-18 16:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:14.32]You are not the Dragon Warrior. You will never be the Dragon Warrior until... 你不是神龙大侠 你永远成不了神龙大侠 除非... [01:17.32]...you have learned the secret of the Dragon Scroll 4 . 除非你掌握了神龙秘
  • [01:14.32]You are not the Dragon Warrior. You will  never be the Dragon Warrior until... 你不是神龙大侠 你永远成不了神龙大侠 除非...
    [01:17.32]...you have learned the secret  of the Dragon Scroll4. 除非你掌握了神龙秘笈里的秘决
    [01:22.84]So,how does this work? 哦 那么 我该怎么拿?
    [01:26.92]Do you have a ladder,or a trampoline,or...? 你有没有梯子? 或者蹦床?
    [01:28.84]You think it's that easy?  That l'll just hand you the secret 哼哼  你以为这么容易 我会把无限神功的秘决
    [01:33.28]- to limitless power?  - No,l... 随随便便给你?  - 不 我...
    [01:34.96]One must first master  the highest level of kung fu. 首先必须要达到功夫的最高境界
    [01:38.32]And that is impossible  if that one is someone like you. 显然最不可能达到这种境界的就是像你这样的
    [01:43.12]Someone like me? 像我这样的?
    [01:44.52]Yes,look at you!  This fat butt5! Flabby arms! 对  瞧瞧你  屁股圆肥 胳膊松
    [01:48.48]Those are sensitive in the flabby parts. 人家这团肉最怕疼  还有这肚子
    [01:52.60]And this ridiculous belly6. 大得像个草坪
    [01:55.20]And utter disregard  for personal hygiene7. 不干不净  完全无视个人卫生
    [01:56.56]Now,wait a minute.  That's uncalled for. 赶紧打住 没这么寒碜人的
    [01:59.52]Don't stand that close.  l can smell your breath. 别站这么近 你的口臭扑鼻
    [02:01.04]Listen,Oogway said l was... 听着 乌龟说我是...
    [02:05.64]The Wuxi Finger Hold.  Not the Wuxi Finger Hold! 无须铁指扣! 别用无须铁指扣
    [02:07.72]Oh,you know this hold? 这招你知道?
    [02:09.96]Developed by Master Wuxi  in the Third Dynasty. 无须大师在秦朝发明的 我知道
    [02:11.88]Then you know what happens  when l flex8 my pinky. 那你一定知道我动一下小指会怎么样
    [02:17.44]- No,no!  - You know the hardest part of this? - 别!  - 知道最难的是什么?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      功夫熊猫      

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