


时间:2020-03-18 16:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:19.36]lf hes smart,he wont come back up those steps. 他要是聪明 就不会再爬上台阶 [03:23.04]Hes not going to quit,is he? 他不会放弃 对吗? [03:23.44]But he will. 可他会爬的 [03:26.52]Hes not going to quit bouncing
  • [03:19.36]lf he's smart,he won't come back up those steps. 他要是聪明  就不会再爬上台阶
    [03:23.04]He's not going to quit,is he? 他不会放弃  对吗?
    [03:23.44]But he will. 可他会爬的
    [03:26.52]He's not going to quit bouncing,l'll tell you that. 他不会放弃往下翻滚
    [03:40.12]l thought you said acupuncture  would make me feel better. 我记得你好像说针灸会让我舒服
    [03:43.64]Trust me,it will. 相信我  没错的
    [03:45.04]lt's just not easy finding the right  nerve points under all this... 只是很难找准穴位  因为你身上有太多的...
    [03:47.88]- Fat?  - Fur. l was going to say fur. - 肥肉? - 毛  我要说的是毛
    [03:51.08]Who am l to judge a warrior  based on his size? Look at me. 我可不会光凭大小论英雄  不是吗
    [03:52.80]Sure you were. 才怪
    [03:57.04]l'm over here. 你瞧我 我在这儿
    [03:59.44]Maybe you should look at this again. 也许这图你应该再看一遍
    [04:03.60]Oh,OK. 哦  明白了
    [04:06.40]Stop it. Stop! 不要  不
    [04:10.08]l know Master Shifu is trying  to inspire me and all... 我知道师父这么做是想鼓励我
    [04:14.16]...but if l didn't know better, 可我要是不了解他
    [04:17.00]l'd say he was trying to get rid of me. 我会以为他是想赶我走
    [04:21.60]l know he can seem kind of heartless... 我知道他表面上铁石心肠

    [04:24.76]...but he wasn't always like that. 可实际上是菩萨心肠
    [04:26.88]According to legend, 据传说

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