


时间:2020-03-18 16:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:25.84]You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? 你真的以为你用一个晚上就能学会大劈叉吗? [01:31.32]lt takes years to develop ones flexibility 2 ! 韧柔性需要苦练好几年 [01:33.08]And
  • [01:25.84]You actually thought you could learn  to do a full split in one night? 你真的以为你用一个晚上就能学会大劈叉吗?
    [01:31.32]lt takes years to develop  one's flexibility2! 韧柔性需要苦练好几年
    [01:33.08]And years longer to apply it in combat! 然后再花好几年  把它用在格斗中
    [01:46.80]Put that down! 你快把它放下
    [01:50.20]The only souvenirs we collect here are  bloody3 knuckles4 and broken bones. 我们这儿收集的纪念品  只有关节被打碎的骨头
    [01:53.48]Yeah! Excellent. 耶   好过瘾
    [01:56.44]Let's get started. 我们开始吧
    [02:01.44]- Are you ready?  - l was born re... - 准备好了吗?
    [02:04.80]l'm sorry,brother.  l thought you said you were ready. 对不起老弟  你不是说准备好了吗!
    [02:08.08]That was awesome5! Let's go again! 这实在太牛啦  我们再来
    [02:36.72]l've been taking it easy on you,panda.  But no more. 我一直对你很客气 现在不会了
    [02:39.72]Your next opponent will be me. 你下一个对手就是我
    [02:43.36]All right! Yeah,let's go! 好啊  耶  出招吧
    [02:48.44]Step forth6. 往前一步
    [02:50.96]The true path to victory is to find  your opponent's weakness... 真正的成功之道是发现对手的弱点...
    [02:53.12]...and make him suffer for it. 然后让他痛不欲生
    [02:54.84]Oh,yeah! 啊 好爽啊
    [02:57.48]To take his strength  and use it against him... 吸取他的力  给他垂直打击
    [02:59.20]...until he finally falls......or quits... 直到他被打垮  或者放弃
    [03:04.04]Don't worry,Master. l will never quit! 放心师父  我决不放弃
    [03:04.76]A real warrior never quits. 真正的大侠决不会放弃

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      功夫熊猫      

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