


时间:2020-03-18 16:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:50.92]...is Tai Lung. 是 大龙 [02:56.00]Take us down. 放我们下去 [03:03.96]What are you doing? 你干什么? [03:18.80]Oh,my. 真要命 [03:23.76]Behold Tai Lung. 看吧 这就是大龙 [03:27.72]lm just gonna wait right here. 我看
  • [02:50.92]...is Tai Lung. 是 大龙
    [02:56.00]Take us down. 放我们下去
    [03:03.96]What are you doing? 你干什么?
    [03:18.80]Oh,my. 真要命
    [03:23.76]Behold Tai Lung. 看吧 这就是大龙
    [03:27.72]l'm just gonna wait right here. 我看我还是在这儿等吧
    [03:31.28]lt's nothing to worry about.  lt's perfectly2 safe. 这没什么好怕的 这儿安全得很
    [03:36.76]Orossbows! At the ready! 弩弓手 待命
    [03:38.48]Orossbows? 弩弓手
    [03:38.56]Hey,tough guy,did you hear? 嘿 硬汉 你听说了吗
    [03:43.16]Oogway's giving someone the Dragon  Scroll,and it's not gonna be you. 乌龟终于要把神龙秘笈给人了 不过那个人不是你
    [03:47.88]Don't get him mad. 哦 你干什么 别激怒他
    [03:49.04]What's he gonna do about it?  l've got him completely immobilized. 他还能怎么着? 我早就已经让他动弹不得了
    [03:56.52]Did l step on the wittle kitty's tail? 噢  我是不是踩到小猫咪的尾巴了?
    [04:00.80]l'm good. l've seen enough. 好啦  我已经看够了
    [04:02.12]l'll tell Shifu he  has nothing to worry about. 我会跟师父说 他没什么可担心的
    [04:06.16]No,he doesn't. 是啊 多余担心
    [04:08.36]l'll tell him that. 我一定转告
    [04:08.56]Oan we please go now? 我们赶紧走吧?
    [04:27.36]Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior!
    [04:29.24]Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior!
    [04:36.92]Wait a second! 等等

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