


时间:2020-03-13 11:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:07.52]That was just an accident! 这只是个意外! [01:10.52]There are no accidents. 从来就不存在什么意外 [01:28.04]Forgive us,Master. We have failed you. 请原谅 师父 我们辜负了您 [01:30.40]No. lf the panda has not
  • [01:07.52]That was just an accident! 这只是个意外!
    [01:10.52]There are no accidents. 从来就不存在什么意外
    [01:28.04]Forgive us,Master. We have failed you. 请原谅 师父 我们辜负了您
    [01:30.40]No. lf the panda  has not quit by morning 不 如果明天早上那熊猫还不走
    [01:35.00]then l will have failed you. 那就是我辜负你们
    [01:54.48]Wait! Wait,wait,wait!  l bring a message... 等等等等  我捎来了
    [01:56.72]... from Master Shifu 功夫大师的信
    [02:03.72]What?! 什么?!
    [02:05.40]''Double the guard?!'' 加强兵力
    [02:08.00]''Extra precautions?!'' 特别防御
    [02:09.48]''Your prison may not be adequate?!'' ''你的监狱也许不够坚固''
    [02:13.24]You doubt my prison security?! 那么你是怀疑我的监狱不安全?
    [02:18.40]Absolutely not. 小的绝对没这个胆
    [02:20.12]Shifu does. l'm just the messenger. 师父交代的 小的只是送信的
    [02:23.92]l'll give you a message  for your Master Shifu. 那你也替我捎个信给你那个什么师父
    [02:26.00]Escape from Ohorh-Gom prison  is impossible! 想从长岗监狱逃走 绝对不可能
    [02:35.52]lmpressive,isn't it? 很壮观 是不是?
    [02:38.12]lt's very impressive. 那是 真是很壮观的是
    [02:39.60]lt's very impressive. 相当的壮观
    [02:42.64]One way in,one way out. 同一道门进 同一道门出
    [02:44.84]One thousand guards and one prisoner. 一千名看守 看守一名囚犯
    [02:49.28]Yes,except that prisoner... 是啊 只不过那个囚犯

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      功夫熊猫      

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